Again with the Ski Skate…
It’s only been about 9 years since I first became aware of the Ski Skate, and now at long last, I can add a second post on this ancient relic. Check out this promotional flyer from the toy company that made it. I say toy company, but they seemed to split their product line into the categories of subpar sports-training and unofficial Star Wars glom-on products like the Force Beam and the Force Missile. One is essentially a light saber, and the other is a pneumatically launched rocket that looks vaguely like a TIE Fighter with “The Force” grafted onto the product name. If they love skiing, skateboarding and surfing, they’ll love the Ski Skate™! Trust them, they are from LA.
The Ski Skate was only $36 wholesale! The shirtless guy wearing ski bibs is really going for it. Like all great wacky, plastic skateboards, this one comes in excellent packaging, just like the Long Rider.
Combine all the thrills of skiing, surfing and skateboarding and you’ll have America’s newest sport, Ski Skating… It’s similar and yet totally unique! Ski Skate board made of unbreakable polyurethane.
Don’t forget to check out the original post if you want to see pictures of an actual Ski Skate.
Has it been 9 years already? Pff.
Do you still have that magnificent thing? I thought the tail of the Landyachtz Urban Assault was Extreme!
what’s the price value on these things ? I have one of them and it’s in good condition it just doesn’t have the black logo on it but the trucks are still original like everything else