How do active women stay active?
No, it’s not an ad for safety equipment. It’s Don Draper’s worst nightmare, Stayfree Maxi-pads tackles the skateboard set. What a break for this young stuntwoman. The skateboard says 70’s but the fashions are looking a little early 80’s. The seller of this item probably could have gotten a lot more for if they had instead listed the Farah Fawcett Shampoo advert that was on the back. Since Farrah’s Faberge shampoo was launched in 1978, this advert couldn’t have been much later than that.
What a day to get my first period. The guys had promised all week to teach me how to do a wheelie. But I couldn’t show up with bumpy belts and pins showing through my shorts… …And I didn’t have to worry bout staining , either. Because there’s a blue moist-proof shield that covers the bottom and sides of the napkin. The guys never knew I had my period. Thanks to STAYFREE Maxi-Pads, I felt comfortable and secure all day. Well, as comfortable and secure as as you can ever feel doing your first wheelie.
Go easy. Step lightly. Stay free.
To get an idea of the popular culture climate from the time, here’s a gratuitous TV commercial for Farrah’s shampoo.
Re: gratuitous, it looks suspiciously like FF was crazy even back then… but I guess no-one noticed cuz they was all on drugs.
What ‘seller’?
RIP Vidal Sassoon.
that one farrah fawcett poster of her in the bathin suit nippin out…that’s powerful stuff to a twelve year old
It attracts bears.
If it was me, I’d have rocked red shorts, and a white top, instead of vice-versa.
“Ho” do active women stay active? Typo or not?
Typo! Fixed. How come nobody ever “gets” my little jokes when they are intentional!
Stay “stain” Free….what a great ad!