Melody will get yer goat, but you’ll be Happie

Pretty easy to have the record if you’re the only one doing it. I predict Dyrek will be visiting the Goat mills soon to make sure this, uh, respected honor belongs to a real skateboarder. Basically, the goat jumps on the skateboard and stands still until the momentum dies. I think I’ll see if I can train a squirrel to do the same thing so I can get on TV. Yes, this story was picked up by local news networks. Ladies and gentlemen, the Guiness World Record holding skateboarding goat.

[Source: Boingboing] – Thanks to Danimal and others for the tip.

Via Huffington Post


10 thoughts on “Melody will get yer goat, but you’ll be Happie

  1. I hear he is going to start an annual “Goat Skateboarding Day”.

    1. Winner: K.C.!

  2. That Goat offically rode more than Kilwag this year and further.

    1. Bigger Winner: Grover!

      (…and Ouch, that hurts, except it’s probably true.)

  3. thats funny

  4. talentlessquitter on August 15, 2012 - Reply

    All I see is winners!

    Micho Erban will be thrilled to be part of this select group of longboard Guiness Record holders…
    Just take off your clothes Melody.

  5. Goat Skate or Go Home

  6. Look, it’s Stevie Nicks!

    1. nweyesk8 on August 16, 2012 - Reply

      ba-ah, ba-ah, ba-ah!!!

  7. This was pretty funny on Letterman last night, because the goat was having none of it.

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