Continuity and Big O
It’s been around since 1976, skated heavily since then, and it even has a book dedicated to it. When Big O was in danger of being destroyed an expanding soccer stadium, locals banded together to try and save it. So what happened? Probably the most unlikely outcome, they dug it out, picked it up and set it on a trolley to move it out of harm’s way. That’s got to be a pretty satisfactory resolution, right? Now consider the fact that the relocation has already cost $100,000 (American or Canadian?) and it isn’t even in it’s final resting place. Weigh that $100,000+ against what they could have built with that money instead. They probably could have built two identical Big O’s side by side to the exact same specifications. Still, I can imagine the locals being skeptical of any new “skatepark” built on the location of such a historic spot. Imagine the city of Portland suggesting “We need to tear down Burnside under the bridge, but we’ll build you another spot across the street.” Look at the photo of Big O unearthed. There are no rough edges visible from where the concrete meets the dirt and everything looks completely uniform in thickness, almost as if it was precast and put in place. Interesting. For a more local perspective, check out CTV Montreal. UPDATE: Much better photos over at VICE and an interview with the man behind plan to save Big O, Barry Walsh.
[Photo and source: ESPN] – Thanks to Tim Pain and Michel Poulin for the tips.
Kudos to the higher-ups for realizing skate history is relevant. That shit still looks hella fun.
$100,000 could buy you a nice skatepark except that in La Bell Province (Quebec) the have strick locals only rules when it come to construction, and since they have no local skatepark companies you’d end up with $100,000 peice of suck. As far as $100,000 to move a piece of concrete…
Too bad “The Big O” in Orange Ca. wasn’t saved.
Prop’s for moving it, yeah and K.C.it was a shame.
You can build a fullpipe, but it will never be Baldy.
Same with Big O. It exists in the realm of natural terrain.
Locals feel more than love for it, and this story is amazing.
Barry Walsh and Marc Tison are the ultimate locals!
randy the thing is that to destroy it and “properly”
dispose of it would have cost 80 000 around they said . so we are talking about 20 grand or so difference. never the less the corruption in the construction industry in Montreal is unbelievable.if you have 100 000 $ to spend on a skate park. you get about 20 000 $ of concrete. so now you now why we save it . a bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush
You mean a board in the hand…
hahah , i skate corrected
Those escalator transitions and the end of the full pipe are awesome, and it’s great to see them getting utilized in that video. Sick footage!