White Girl Wasted
White Girl Wasted by ElleMC, shot on location at Burnside by Dave Hupp. Hip Hop dressed as punk rock. Remember when you used to be able to tell what a band would sound like just by looking at them? I’m not complaining. Shut up old man! Video after the jump.
That was…not very good.
if this was 1986 i’m sure we could get her on profile records…the front grab was good though
shiiit ima str8 pull out her trax
thanks for puttin this up u guys!preciate it- and all the haters can eat a bag of alien dicks!!
if its any constellation i’ll take a lap dance
Your milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
And we’re like
You’re such a retard
And you’re like
Eat a bag of alien dicks….
hey all you little faggot ass bitches i skate at burnside and thats my family so you go down there rippin on this video and see what they got to say. this aint no hipster shit you must be confused i dont see no fixed gear bikes and bookbags bitch! just because someone is doin sometin different here ppl r gonna hate. the burnside family co-signed this shit, this was everyone gettn together and helpin out a homegirl whose tryna pursue her dreams. jus because you only listen to rock from the 70s doesnt mean this shit isnt tight, your just a closed minded ass hater. eat a baby dick smoothie for every meal hoe
Well, as an attorney at law I can advise you that you and your family are putting yourself at risk for co signing on this video. It truly is honorable that you are supporting this woman and her dream of being a…a ah, rapper? I don’t really know what kind of music that is. I’m so stuck in a heavy rotation of Steely Dan and cocaine, that I really don’t have time to keep up on what’s hip these days. It does remind me of that song that ex MTV VJ made and was used in that one tour video named after a Disney children’s cartoon. I think that song only had a shelf life of 3 hours. Either way, always be careful when co signing anything, you may find yourself liable if the co-signee defaults.
Born not to be wryyy-yyy-yyy
Born not to be wryyy-yyy-yyy
you dont have to be old to realize how bad this is. Im embarressed for white girls, and people who like to drink and burnside all at once, way to ruin 3 really good things. Fuck.
this makes skateboarding look so terrible. thanks dave hupp for agreeing to make this horrible video. next time, you should probably stick to filming skateboarding and not making it look horrible.
ya’ll can eat a DICK -up till ya HICCUP…. now how about that lap dance….
retarded! next time put some punk rock on. This is silly!
rCYCL recycle rick good job good luck copies on the block
hipsters doing what they do best….retarded…
Love those trashy burnside bitches! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
straight outta ASHLAND…..
Straight out the TRAILER off 82nd and Con Battin road, bro!!! Whoa, that was nearly four minutes of my life. Not that my life is much but I did like the Trans Am/Firebird that was nostalgia baby. Other than that, I am taking a new approach in life, it’s moderation. Yeah, I abstained from medical herb for a period of eight days. In those eight days I had dreams every night. One dream involved being attacked while sitting in a little pick up truck. A dude out of nowhere open up the door of the passenger side where I was sitting and I thought stabbed me in the leg, but he actually peed on me. Then I got out, and we were in a knife fight. That went on for a bit till I got the best of him and he ran off and I woke up.
I tell ya all try drying up a few days. I also noticed that after the eight days I went back to smoking again and can taste the smoke. What a discovery, then I started eating vicadin and shooting bourbon.
the girl in blue can skate all you other hoes make me a fuckin sandwich you tore up monkey mouth once a month bleedin raggedy bitches!!!!!! suck on that slut