Ryan Sheckler for Bill My Parents
Prepaid credit cards with an obnoxious name of Bill My Parents, aimed at the teenage market. Who else but Ryan Sheckler would be the skateboarding spokesperson? Watch the commercial after the jump. UPDATE: And Rob Dyrdek too!
While I was writing this up I was surprised that Rob Dyrdek wasn’t pimping this credit card. Then a readser comment mentioned he was so I checked it out, and there he was.
No video though. I did find (small) images of credit cards with Ryan Sheckler, Rob Dyrdek, and the ever popular “skater.” Come on marketers, do your research. Those kids are gonna want to see what the cards actually look like.
that was one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen.
I made a new years resolution to be more positive.
So… no comment.
I bet they wanted to get Naughty By Nature to record: “You down with B.M.P.” but couldn’t get the rights.
isn’t this guy like already like 21? I highly doubt he needs his parents to help him out with cash.
Wow, that is a pretty epic swellbow. Sheckler is shameless, I am used to it now. Anything else would be weird.
this is what happens when your parents groom you from an early age to be a corporate prostitute….there becomes NO limit on what you will do for cash.
Still better than Jereme Rogers.
What is Jereme Rogers advertising?
his ‘music’.
im gonna save myself some time and not watch it.
Absolutely disgusting message towards the youth of today considering our current economic situation in this country. Not to mention that the irresponsible use of credit was a major contributor to it all anyway. Good looking out pretty boy, what’s next, a prescription drug company ad for the cure all to a bad slam, pathetic.
Dyrdek & Pastrana are also “spokesmen” for this sham.
…and it is time for corporate skateboarding to die…again.
…….sue your parents…
Trying to make things more convenient for kids and parents. Encouraging toward his friends. Just wants to skate. And, gosh darn it, generous to boot. What a sweet kid.
He gets paid that way himself. His promoters had his ass crack turned into a card swiper.
I once naively believed that we (skateboarders) could be part of the solution.
You are now a parent. I imagine your footing the bill for most everything? Ergo, Problem solved by a skateboarder.
The day I was vibed out of my local park for regulating a bad biker, I knew it was all over.
Im down for OPP, just not* BMP
owning a skateboard and being good on it obviously doesn’t make you a skater…..
good ole Ryan…putting the “hard” in “core”
Damn them! Don’t they realize they’re breaking all the
rules in the skater’s handbook? What’s that? There is no
handbook? Dang, you mean the fact that I ride a skateboard
doesn’t automatically make me think like every other person
on a skateboard? Wow, my world is shattered. Why can’t they
just follow the rules?! I’m going to my room to lay down and
Yeah! Let him be himself!
Haters ganna hate.
how can i get my hands on ryan shecklers credit card????????????
Did either of them make Trasher skater of the year?
Wow I just got second hand embarrassment from watching that. Hes amazing beyond a doubt on his skateboard but hes a complete kook off of it. Whats next is he going to be on Jersey Shore next season?
Wats wrng w/ bmp……I
qualified for the card yesterday…….
i wanna see this bitch drop into Pier and commence killing it!! oops… not gonna happen