Jake Phelps Fired not fired from Thrasher?
Jake Phelps, editor in chief of Thrasher magazine, was reportedly fired for his comments regarding a list of skaters he banned from the magazine. In the first part of his series “Five Days of Hate,” Phelps repeatedly used homophobic references to describe Frank Hirata, and told viewers of a situation where he threatened the skater.
“After yesterday’s random rant from a mad man, HSP decided to terminate Phelps to end this once and for all,” read the caption below a video of Phelps’ parting words to thrashermagazine.com‘s viewers. [Photo: Thrasher]
(Note: I’m not buying it. I think there’s a high probability it’s a hoax. – K.Ed)
Update: Definitely a hoax, although Phelps deserves an academy award for his acting job. – K.Ed
Yeah, I just noticed that they pulled the entire “5 Days of Hate” section. I didn’t bank on them firing him, but it was clearly very risky legally (in addition to all of the other things that were wrong with it…). Maybe Benji will get the March cover?
definitely borderline legal sketchiness, but he didn’t get fired – its all a clever backpedal ploy for even more viral marketing. We’re talking about it right!
Slander: 1. a false statement uttered maliciously that damages a person’s reputation 2. the crime of uttering this (Oxford American Dictionary)
It appears more than borderline to me…
If it’s true… meh.
If it’s fake… meh.
End of an era or end of an error?
If it’s true, the next issue should have everyone who was banned on the cover.
just another unemployed retard. Hope the trust funds full…ah haaa
Jake Phelps just got hired by Transworld as Assistant Editor to Skin Phillips. True Story!
from one shitrag to the next…
It could be an elaborate hoax, and we all know that Thrasher would be the one to do this.
However, magazines and newspapers get in HUGE trouble when someone sues for slander. It sounds like Frank Hirata was already prepared to press charges, and this would likely be a much easier lawsuit than the last one.
I’m not a lawyer, though. Anyone care to enlighten us?
I doubt it is true but if it is maybe Thrasher can become great again. Bring back Stecyk, Mofo, Thatcher, Blackhart and bring on Whitely and Dawes from Slap. Maybe let Jake go back reviewing snowboards and lappers in Product Patrol…
Oh, boo hoo. So he spoke a couple truths. Everybody wants to be so damn P.C., and if Frank can’t take a joke, then f#ck him and his merry band of douchebags. Without Jake, Thrasher will lose its hesh edge.
skating is supposed to be PUNK!Its been dead awhile.. signed Chef Boy-am-i-over it.
“Hesh Edge?” There hasn’t been much of an edge to Thrasher for a long time.
Its about SAUCE..and not so long ago..DUST. FREE! like skating… signed, Mark Gon-zineless.
phelps is a lesbian seagul
The Edge? Is Bono in Thrasher too?
Blogs are where it’s at now anyway… who the hell cares about some *magazine*… You know you’re all taking your blackberries into the can with ya instead so don’t give me that “bathroom reading material” chit either.
the trick was to get the web attention so that more people actually saw the Banned 5.
It worked.
Transworld business says it’s not true…
Hoax, no hoax. Fuck it all. Just go skate, and keep skating. I know Jake will regardless.
“# colinwalshrules Says:
February 3rd, 2009 at 2:03 pm
phelps is a lesbian seagul”
Hehehehehe, he said lesbian, Hehehehe
just a joke. what a shame.
i was ready to start buying thrasher again next month.
phuck phelps, id like to see him threaten someone to their face for once.
Update- Transworld Business omitted the name of their source, but it said the name of Thrasher’s advertising director Eben Sterling earlier today.
Definitely hoping it’s a farse. Jake Phelps IS Thrasher. Meh, nothing…
Jake didn’t speak “The Truth.” He omitted Frank’s sponsors from his interview, Frank’s sponsors got pissed at him, so Frank called him on it, and Jake got pissed. End of story.
Phelps is now designing for Purkiss-Rose.
I just got back from an sf trip. I saw him at potrero. He acted like jake. He skated. bla bla bla thats all.
Might Mr. Phelps have been lashing out because HE’S banned from the punkest DIY scene since Burnside…
i can just imagine who you faggots are that are “hating” on phelps. i bet more than half of you bitches haven’t even skated for more then a decade. This man has seen skateboarding for years transform from in many different directions. he only speaks from his experiences. Thats whats valid. what do u faggots speak from. blogs? gossip? haha. phelps does what he does because thats who he is. That deserves all the respect in the world. Fuckin keep truckin Jake. Fuck shit up
Mess -Matt, it’s hard to take you seriously when every other word you type is “faggots.” You might have valid things to say, but if you say them like a moron, nobody is going to listen, except for other morons.
welcome to “our” blog world, please stop calling us cigaretts.
It has been my observation that most of the people posting comments on here are older dudes, I’d be willing to bet most of us started skating in the 70’s. and if thrasher still represents you, you are probably a youngster.
mags are gossip too, just old fasioned/ruled by one person or a small group. check out the movie “Citizen Kane”
Skater for 20+ years. Thrasher is what got me into skating. It was the only good magazine at the orthodontists office. Since Phelcher took over it has been pretty much the same rehashed style. Mofo and KT did a way better job. I have the old issues to compare, and the new ones are pretty blah in comparison. Phelcher is a cheerleader.
How can he be so righteous when their mag runs Skatewave ads, and has less variety than TWS does these days?
substance trumps hype, and there is no need for hype if you have got the goods.
joey mcsqueeb was a cooler hoax. fuck thrasher, facebook rules
“I’m rubber and you’re glue…” oh nevermind…
Phelps wasn’t even sperm when we started skating and continued to do so. Take that you little whipper snapper.
It’s sunny in Seattle right now. Why the fuck am I reading this drivel when I should be out skating. Peace.
P.S. No one cares what any of you think but yourselves. Read the magazine or don’t. Christ.
”@ Matt Mess”: Nice trolling. Now get back under your bridge where you belong.
About this, they already have a vid of Jake in his office basically saying “HAHA, fooled you!”
Nice little publicity stunt. Kinda like a wrestling sub-plot.
you’re a mark, brother. isn’t that right mean gene?
that rant was lame,Just Skate!!
And read LOWCARD
Oh my god girlfriend, I just totally heard that Phelps got fired! Like wait, it’s like a total hoax. Oh my god, I’ve like so got to text everyone I know and tell them!!!
Seriously though, that guy is a hack.
I love how Phelper wrote Bill Pepper was most annoying one year and he got beat down in the thrasher office
****Get Some!!!!!!!****
I speak on behalf of all the skateboarders that Phelps has clowned. So what if I still sport a lapper? and Yup, I have always have and will always ride trackers, and the bolt on copers too. I have been around for over 3 decades as a true skater, so what? I am hated? Ken Park too? Sorry that we didnt aknowledge your pressense when you were Thrashers mail guy and product patrol. Jake, get over yourself, you cock block so much talent because they dont bow down to you, and perhaps your Napoleonic complex shines through? Who care, its just less readers to what was once something great. You blew it with your narrowminded view of skate boarding, you turned into the power you once rebelled against on the streets. Yup, we still do slob airs and layback airs….poke fun, you are lost and you suck on guitar…..see you at the bowl BRAAAAAAAAA chaka. Laban Phedias deserved more shots? oh thats right; trackers. At least you got a Gibson,try tuning it
Thats kinda outta hand, mags are hype who cares? Bring back PUSZONE? That would be killer, however, people move one and thats the gnar of skateb, it always survives no matter what jackass is exploiting it. Anyone got a vinyl copy of the first skaterock? will swap product or cash. RichMcJESUS@Gmail
its funny how the sizzler chimed in nearly two months later.prolly too busy geeking it in someone else’s pool. again
watch out steve, chubbs and luka are coming to get you again! If I got kicked out of a skatepark(berkeley) by a fifteen year old kid I dont think I could live with myself. Have you picked up on any underage girls or messed up any permission pools lateley? If you take phelps seriously at all you are nothing but an insecure little bitch. ya jake can be annoying but he can also be funny and entertaining sorta like a train wreck. I am one of the many people who has met you in person and took an instant and strong dislike to you(talkin bout the sizzlor).
anyway Have a nice day!
this guy is always trying to sell cool. he’s a cool nazi. i dont like him one bit. you guys should seriously stop listening to people in scene-ster black on-rim glasses.by the way jake…your sixty years old and grew up down the street from me in rich-boy conneticut…nice ghetto costume though. lame.
DuuuuuuuDes. yOu guys Are trippin if PheLps Were fired. thAt wOuLd mOre thAn LikeLey Be theee end Of ThrAsher. he is the One whO stArted it. hAvnt yOu seen them OLde viDeOs?? he is enCourAging kids peOpLe AnyyyybOdyyy tO subMit sOme fOoty. And sure there Are Ads Of fuCkin prOduCt. but Where wOuLd yOu Be WithOut it? On juSs A pieCe Of wOod? nO WheeLs Or truCks?? he juSs gets the wOrd Out there Of everyyything. skAtespOts Who’s hitting the spOts WhAt they hit it With. I Like tO reAd ThrAsher ALL dAy AnyyydAy! speCiALLyy here in PhOenix. When yOu Ave tO wAit tiLL sundOwn tO rip. its Like A skAte videO Without t.v ThrASHER IS a siiCk One And I’m sureeeee yOu aLL juSs Loveee hAting sOoo muCH ITS JUss AnOther bOoger tO piCk. And I Agreee With thA Messy mAttt DuuuuDe. Y’all MUSt Be A bunChA fAggOts tO nOt AppreCiAte ThrAsher. Or skAtebOArding. . . its tOo Late fOr yOu Guysss yOur A bunChA OLdeee gOSsippyyy Geezzzers WhO prObAbLyy Can’t even stAnd the sOund Of skAteboArding. And That’s A shAme But heyyyyy everyOne gets oLde sOme dAy . but I’m juSs sAying.
” LesS hAte mOre skAte!! ” -ApriLLLLLLL
^ The winner of the “most timely and articulate post of 2011”
You’ve hit it off precisely.