Jess Kendall

Jess Kendall model, courtesy of an entrepreneur in China and reader Benji Haecker. Jess rode for Stan Cruz, right? If you’re going to counterfeit a board, why not make it an exact copy?


Jake Phelps Fired not fired from Thrasher?

Jake Phelps, editor in chief of Thrasher magazine, was reportedly fired for his comments regarding a list of skaters he banned from the magazine.  In the first part of his series “Five Days of Hate,” Phelps repeatedly used homophobic references to describe Frank Hirata, and told viewers of a situation where he threatened the skater. […]

Broken Kingpins May 13

Broken Kingpins: May 13th edition

More useless odds and ends. These guys in Massachusetts do touchy-feely performance art called “Zend” on skateboards inspired by stained glass. And speaking of hippies, the Seattle Times wants you to believe that longboarders have a higher calling. Ryan Sheckler gets nominated for a world wide sportmanship award in the action sports category, but loses […]

Random stuff

Broken Kingpins (and other junk)

For those keeping track, and I’m guessing that’s about three other people, I’ve resurrected the Broken Kingpins column name in Skate and Annoy. This time around, instead of covering all the roster hopping and product release junk like we used to in our ancient print issues, I’m using it for all the miscellaneous links that […]