
Here’s a beautiful turd of a skateboard that Valterra put out in 1987. It’s an Alf board, and it’s kick ass. Alf is in full Hawaiian shorts and neon Ray Bans mode. This model was auctioned on eBay a while ago, I don’t know what it went for but I remember being tempted. Another craptacular thing about this board is the fact that the graphics are on top and the bottom is completely bare. This one has GT wheels on it, which is really confusing to men because I thought GT was a 70’s era brand, so these wheels should have loose bearings. I suppose it’s possible someone could have put old wheels on a new board if the axle size didn’t change. Can you believe ALF was actually still on the air in 1990? I wonder why Valterra never put out a Back to the Future deck.

– Thanks to Buck C for the tip.


9 thoughts on “Alf

  1. ALF!! my favorite show as a kid. does anyone else remember that alf had the worst final episode ever?
    alf was betrayed by a friend, captured by the gov’t and taken off for dissection/testing. nbc had intended to make it a 2 parter, with alf escaping as the next season premiere, but the network decided not to air another season so the final episode was just really depressing.

    1. Prickly Pete on October 8, 2010 - Reply

      … but so very funny!

      This looks like a fun lil’ cruiser, but the saggy wood and vertical kingpin probably ruin it. Even looking down and seeing Alf’s smile wouldn’t overcome valterra’s engineering failures. It might make me sadder knowing his end.

      Wasn’t the Valterra Meltdown featured in Back to the Future?

      1. bailgun on October 8, 2010 - Reply

        the bttf one was black with purple and yellow paint spattering all over it. and they did sell that model at big box stores. i remember being bummed i got the meltdown and not the marty mcfly model that christmas.

    2. Gnarles Copinghagen on October 8, 2010 - Reply

      Damn! That is a messed up ending! Funny!

  2. talentlessquitter on October 8, 2010 - Reply

    Yes,it was on ebay a few weeks ago.I was tempted too.
    First time I experienced a tv show could go from fun to lame as I grew up.
    (Cosby show and Webster have always been lame…)

  3. That…is…AWESOME! Better hide your cats.

  4. Had this deck as a kid. Is it still for sale?

  5. Yesss – I owned this deck as a kid. The funny part of it (or even more crappy, really) is that it came with handles so you could turn it into a combo skooter/skateboard. I think I still might have this somewhere at my parents house. I’m going to go look next time I’m there.

  6. Fwiw those are not the original wheels as you correctly assumed. I have this board in original condition and the wheels are black. I was too much of a pussy to stand up on it and pretty much just sat on it and rode downhill!

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