Skate and Annoy Miscellaneous Reviews

This fucking Italia couch I bought from Dania

Italia Couch from Dania

I bought this Italasofa brand couch from Dania. It has a microfiber cover and a pullout sleeper bed. I have kids and now the surface looks like a seal that was rescued from an oil slick. Less than a year into it, the part that sticks under the top cushion started to fray. A couple years later, it looks like this:

Italia Couch from Dania

It might not be that big of a deal if the goddamned cushions didn’t slide out so they were visible the minute anyone sits on one, including the cats. I swear, you open the front door and those cushions slide out. It’s possible that the fabric could have been mended by hand, but the hidden part has the consistency of a few wet paper towels, so you can’t sew anything to it. It’s like very thin felt. The t-shirt you’re wearing is thicker and more durable than that section of the seat cover.

Another great thing about this couch is the way it all sinks down in the middle after a couple years. I had a surveying team in the living room measure a 6 inch difference between the middle and the sides. Those guys have neon vests, telescopes and lasers, so you know that’s accurate.

This couch sucks so bad, Italasofa doesn’t make the model anymore, and Dania doesn’t carry the brand anymore. This is why you’ll never be invited over to my house, until I get a new couch.