Who sent these scans?
At some point a few years back I had to switch email clients, and protocols from SMTP to IMAP, as my OS evolved, I can no longer open the old archived Eudora Email, plus it got corrupted anyway. I did find some scans of a Skate Straight zines in the attachments folder, which I’m sure were meant for the Zine Gallery. I’d like to be able to credit the collector when I do post them, so let me know if it was you, or if you know who put this out. Looks like it was out of Dayton, Ohio. I know this is a long shot, but stranger things have happened. One of the creators posted 9 out of 10 issues in the BMX Society forum but you have to pay for an account that will let you respond or download attachments. I wonder how that is working out for them. Probably keeps most of the riffraff out.
skate straight? sounds kinda gay
This might help.
Having worked at surf Ohio for gymmy George in 86-87, I’m dying to see these zines. Those were the squid dickman (squidmeat zine) days. When a very young rob Drydek was just a little grommet.
That’s the link that you have to pay to see and/or respond, so I can’t even contact the guy without paying… Check out this old Surf Ohio post.
What happened to Kevin Dickman?
Anyone know?
I talked to Brett Martin last summer in Delaware, Ohio. I think I remember him saying that Kevin Dickman was living somewhere in California.
I also remember running into Don Gryzwinski and Kevin Dickman at Squidbanks (Eastwood ditch)back in 84/85(?) and just really loved watching them ride.
Brett is still in Ohio, near where he grew up. Kevin Dickmann,(Squid spells his name with two n’s) is now in Mountain View CA. I will forward this link to him and maybe he can tell you about the ‘zines.
Hi, I am from Dayton and remember Skate Straight well…
Issue #1 was both Don Grzwinski and Mike Gamstetter. Mike eventually ran with S.S. for several issues, with different people contributing.
FYI: my good friend Don G. passed in 2005 RIP DON G.!
Yo Jered, just uploaded issue 8 and 9, sure it’s 16 years later….
Cool !!
I met Squid I think in 87 . He was a solid dude !!
He popped in my thought yesterday and tried to look him up.
Mario, from NYC now living in Gainesville Florida.
BTW if anyone is passing thru. Hit me up I own a 8 1/2 deep concrete Peanut bowl.