I hate music
Never trust anyone over 30. Even old metal heads and socialist punks can turn on you. Billy Bragg has come out against the coalition of skateboarders trying to save (Southbank). You can read about it in the aptly titled “Billy Bragg Is A Knob, Ignore Him And Help Save The Southbank Undercroft,” found on the Void. Another huge surprise, Rob Zombie is allegedly trying to get what must be one of the world’s smallest skateparks torn down, and not becasue he thinks skateboarders deserve a better one. It’s because the park makes too much noise…. Wait, seriously? I say “allegedly” because it’s all hearsay from the Connecticut community web site CTBoom, and they don’t credit any outside sources. They did manage to unearth a 1998 MTV promo video of Rob Zombie and Jamie Foxx skateboarding with the aid of some stunt doubles. So this is the world we live in. You heroes, be they rockers or punkers, will all eventually turn on you. And yes, it’s got too many notes.
[Rob Zombie photo: Encyclopedia Metallum ] – Thanks to Shawn Fendick for the tip.
good thing rob made his mark in ’93…the internet age wouldve tanked his chance at millions
Death to traitors!
Skateparks don’t make noise, people at skateparks make noise.
what on earth has bill bragg got against skaters at southbank? He always seemed a humorless twat. When he gets too full of himself remind his of the song Romford Girls by his shit old band Riff Raff.
I rather hear ‘West End Girls’.
billy is getting destroyed in The Guardian comments section. Apparently he owns a 1.5 million pound mansion in Dorset. Millionaire socialist from Dorest saying the South Bank is “his community”. What a wanker.
fuck billy bumcheeks and his posh mansion , yeh communism i live in a million dollar flat while the people starve , sounds like the ussr to me.
and for rob zombie so corporate fashion gay wanna be rebel rocker made in hollywood . he would have been on american idol if it were around.
GG ALLEN would kick the fuck out them , he was a real fucking rocker.
bite it you scum fucking whore
Strange things happen. Total bummer.
Amazing that rich people don’t understand that activities like skateboarding keep the underclasses entertained and distracted so they don’t turn on their masters. It’s when the jungle drums stop that they need to worry.
if sherry moon was blowing a crack head that can tre flip a five stair you’d be pissed too!!!!
Billy, come back inside, your champagne is getting flat.
The only thing I know about billy Bragg is the clash song. Heard him singing on the Marc maron podcast. He’s garbage. And to hate on southbank, unfuckingbelievable
rob zombie is a big ole’ bag of douche. his so called music bites too……bee-outch!