Tennis anyone no one?!
Imagine the surprise the first time an unsuspecting tennis player showed up here. I’ve seen pictures of concrete tranny on asphalt surfaces before. Although generally a bad idea, It’s not entirely unheard of unfortunately, and especially in New England. Sprague, Connecticut has a skateboard facility that was built on top of a disused tennis court, which has a surface that should be better than most asphalt parking lots. Concrete Disciple user BillyBonebrake posted a bunch of shots and some background information on the project. I guess we might need a field office in Connecticut if the last few days are going to be typical. I wonder if Billy Bonebrake is related to D.J. Bonebrake?
– Thanks to Mac for the tip.
that looks rad but the problem with tennis courts is that the asphalt deteriorates and becomes gravel. it looks like the red in the top picture has that already starting.
BillyBoenbrake is an alteregomaniac with no connection to the drummer. But he gets around.
Regarding the tennis court surface, its got some age but still rolls nice. They can always cut out and replace sections w/concrete as an ongoing plan.
Personally, I think they missed an opportunity.
Is this a joke? Why was the court line repainted after the build!? A bit half arsed isn’t it… Maybe it’s some kind of artsy fartsy thing!?
Are we absolutely sure it’s asphalt and not concrete? All the tennis courts around here are very, very smooth concrete. Unlike basketball courts, tennis courts need to be very smooth and are almost never made with asphalt. Concrete is the standard for tennis. Asphalt is the standard for basketball.
And that area where it’s red and looks like it’s deteriorating – it’s probably just the paint chipping off. One of the problems with smooth concrete is that paint doesn’t stick well, and that’s what we’re seeing there.
Solboy, MC colored the picture to make a funny.. It looks like the shots in the top.
Ian – Source says asphalt. The tennis courts in my neighborhood are asphalt too.
This reminds me of the concrete quarter-pipe at the Reading (PA) Skatepark that was surrounded by asphalt. The heavy concrete structure eventually settled into the ground and the lighter asphalt didn’t. The result was a huge kink where the two surfaces met, and an unusable ramp.
Reading also was home to the roughest ever asphalt snake runs.
That looks really fun. Hat’s off to those guys back East.
i mention the asphalt because I skated the park in Normal, IL for years, it was on an old tennis court, it was not concrete, it was a very fine asphalt type surface that deteriorated into gravel, i lost much skin there. the pic above appear to show the same type of wear. if these guys are gonna break it out and fill it in with crete more power to em.