Killing it! (?)
Ok, this trick involved riding up on the other side of the railing, doing the boneless grab foot shuffle thing and jumping onto the railing, then off the railing over the cement ledges, and onto the bricks. Makes my knees hurt just looking at it. The purple asterisk is on the print. Apparently I thought this was a good one. Man, was I smooth. I mean, was I? Click the pic to see the details: A 15 pound Uncle Wiggley Argyle deck complete with bird and my skull skates painters cap sporting a Hosoi sticker on the flipped up bill. Sorry ladies, I’m taken. Circa 198.. mumble mumble. University of Illinois quad in Champaign-Urbana. That’s it for me. I’ve got to work today.
That is an epic trick.
It would be even harder to pull off today as they put 3’x3′ benches in front off the railing.
post more CU pics if you have any!
and you didn’t even credit the photographer, i.e. me. You want more? I’ve got a thousand of ’em. And I think you’re wearing my gloves. . . .
It’s nice to see Swiv nattily attired as usual. All set for a day of skating in his dockers and button down shirt.
Swiv was like the first Mod skateboarder. I couldn’t remember who took this. I almost commented on the gloves too. Full fingered with some sort of velcro stretch strap if I recall. Gloves never quite made the comeback, huh? Nor hip pads.
my gloves during that era (’85ish I presume) were like brown buckskin with rainbow colored velcro wrist closures…remember those? And no I didn’t get them off George Sinclair! Were these the same??
p.s. I can dig the undergrad crashed out along the wall of the Union!
yup, they were Hobie full fingered suede gloves from the 70s. Blue w/ rainbow wrist velcro. Brad, you must have had the Rector palm pads, which were very similar.
For Xmas I got a pair of the Dead Dog skate shorts. They totally kick ass. And they have hip pads built in.