
Are Uganda finish that?

You think your scene is bad? At least you don’t have to make knee pads out of palm fronds and bamboo. The Uganda Skateboarding Union Is an organization dedicated towards trying to keep Ugandan youth alive by giving them something positive to do while educating them on social and health issues, like HIV/AIDS. They just got NGO certified, which means your skateboard donations won’t be hit with crippling import tariffs. From the looks of those neon wheels, Uganda is receiving donations from 1980’s era time travelers. They also take cash. Unfortunately they are importing ideology too – now that they have a skate park built, they want to put a fence around it. The skateboard scene in Uganda was started by a visiting South African named Shael Swart who built the first ramp with Ugandan local Jackson Mubiru. Those efforts were discovered by another visitor, a Canadian named Brian Lye. Brian has taken it to a completely different level. Spend some time checking out the pictures. It’s a warm and fuzzy skateboarding experience. Much better than the alternative. Right now the program is active in one small town, which I’m guessing must be in southern Uganda, since children in the North are being kidnapped to fight in the civil war. If all goes well they plan to expand to other towns. [Source: Kingpin Magazine]


5 thoughts on “Are Uganda finish that?

  1. One of the best posts yet. Douglas looks stoked and that issue of Juice is getting some love…and the park looks fun.

  2. I second that. Look at the smiles on those faces. It’s rad that they built their your own skate terrain.

  3. That is amazing, I wonder if that is concrete or adobe or rammed earth? We should send those guys some stuff.

  4. Good idea Mark. I’m game.

  5. […] scene in South Africa, but Nairobi? Actually, now that I think about it, we have covered action in Uganda and […]

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