Grover's Video Korner - Paranoid Park Tryouts

Paranoid Park Tryouts on Grover’s Video Korner

After weeks of faking Grover’s video Korner in hopes of getting him to contribute to the site, Grover finally coughed up this video footage of the skateboarding tryouts for the Guz Van Sant film Paranoid Park which is filming in and around Burnside. His first installment is both hard to watch and riveting. A star is born, ladies and gentlemen. Without further adieu, I give you Steve’s intro. (Ahem, adieu: I hope to get him posting these directly, bypassing my sarcastic comments entirely, but MC managed to get this posted before I could! )

Hello everyone welcome to my blog I will try to keep it current. It will consist of stuff I find interesting. So (tune out-drop-in) and get your blog on as I get my blog on. Peace off Grover.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Paranoid Park Tryouts on Grover’s Video Korner

Paranoid Park Tryouts on Grover’s Video Korner

Visit the GVK Archives.


One thought on “Paranoid Park Tryouts on Grover’s Video Korner

  1. nice…steve should be directing that movie. the dvd commentary alone, would be worth the price of purchase.

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