The sincerest form of flattery
Jim Phillips Fall/Winter show for 2013 has him going back to his roots as a skateboard graphic designer before he became the fashion icon that he is… Hold on a minute. What? That’s not JimPhillips? Jimbo then? No? OK. I’m sorry. This collection belongs to Jeremy Scott.
[Source: Hypebeast]
I used to like Scott’s winged Adidas.. now every time I hear his name I’ll think about how he bites Santa Cruz/Phillips.
Those chicks have no tits.
The girl on the right has a pretty big clit, too.
Hansel is so hot right now.
The fashion industry does not honor nor can they enforce copyright amongst themselves… so d-bags like JS think they can get away with stealing from others. Here’s an eye opening TED Talk on the lack of copyright entitlement within fashion. The problem for JS is that he didn’t steal a clothing article design. He blatantly stole artwork. http://www.ted.com/talks/johanna_blakley_lessons_from_fashion_s_free_culture.html“
That is a weak rip off. & upsetting. I hope he gets royally screwed.
The Roskopp faces renditions are so lousy, they look like monsters from the Jim Henson studio.