Pannier Skaterack by Fairdale Bikes
The BMX/Skateboard culture clash seems largely forced these days. Bikes. Get over it. Fairdale Bikes makes a functional and reasonably priced (in the bike world) pannier-style rack for a carrying a skateboard. I’d really like to see a combo of this with a regular over the wheel rack. If you have any doubt that the creator has his heart in the right place, check out the tongue in cheek video of the development process.
Note to Fairdale: I fully expect to see Skate and Annoy added to the list of “Featured on” websites. I’ll even send you the logo.
[Source: Moco Loco MR] – Thanks again to Boy for tip.
The other side should have the twelve pack holder….
I wonder if this rack would work on a motorcycle?
Very funny video!
They could sell loads of these in lovely bicycle-flooded Netherlands, if only that rack was cool amongst school kids (forget it). Most of ’em just clamp their skateboard in the frame, carry it on their back or hold it on their handlebars.
This is slick, but I just use a bungee and a regular rack.
Not bad. I use an old bike tube and Rambo it
Taj(the inventor,guy in the video) is an all around rad guy. Check out his video Taj and Roscoe(his dog who he had a shoe named after). Anyways support.
This is a rad idea. I will be getting one. Not sure what it has to do with bmx though
Nothing really. I just wanted to head off the inevitable bitching about bikes.
Pffft. They should go build their own stuff. And I sure don’t like pegs. And they have no respect. And they sit in big circles and take up the room, boo-hoo, waaaaaaaa, etc…