Don Gerard for Mayor
Don Gerard, one of my college roommates is running for mayor of the town we went to school in. Champaign is also the town where he grew up. I suppose I should put “college” in quotes because I don’t think we were ever both in school at the same time while we were roommates in three consecutive houses named Ten Shitty Guys. Aside from having the idea to start a zine, I believe it was also Neil’s idea to start a skate rock band. We drafted Don to play drums, pretty much against his will. He was embarrassed by it at the time since he was accustomed to playing in “real” bands. He used to wear sunglasses and a sorority baseball hat as disguise on stage, but I think he secretly enjoyed it. Our first gig as McWilson was opening up for Naked Raygun’s first Champaign, Illinois apperance. It was actually the main reason for our existence. We played a handful of shows and parties after that. We burned bright and extremely short. If you live in Champaign, Illinois, get yourself registered to vote for Don Gerard. Campign commercial after the jump. This whole thing smells like the script for the sequel to Old School.
McWilson was (L-R) Evil Tom (Burke), Randy Kilwag (standing), Neil McDougall, Don Gerard.
Neil McDougall aka houseofneil, aka falconnei aka me.
Hopefully his work with the Guardian Angels will help him be elected.
very nice pic, cool memories I suppose.
ha! That was my german paratrooper beret with an Indy sticker on the front of it!
I’m Don Gerard and I approve this message.
If Don Gerard is elected mayor, I promise to stop hassling him about coming over for dinner/hot tub/snowfort construction and to begin hassling him about attending Metropolitan Intergovernmental Council and Community Response Group meetings. It will be just like old times, sitting around yakking about rail trails and broadband and economic development strategy. Vote well and vote often.