Thus, no returns will be accepted
There’s not much I can say about this “invention,” except I particularly dig the shoes and pants in the close up shot. A sharp dressed man can sell anything in Swartz Creek, Michigan. Skaterhusseindave, we expect a full report.
I am selling a custom built board with a caster wheel on one end that will allow the user to spin around 180 and 360 degrees and a closed wheel on the other end. The board is made of red oak with 24 gauge Aluminum in the middle. Custom skateboard comes fully assembled. Each board is custom made upon order thus the long delivery time. Since each board is custom made thus no returns will be accepted.
The seller doesn’t explain what the casters or rubber stoppers are for, so you are on your own there. He has zero transactions on eBay so far, so you can be the first.
– Thanks to Matthijs van Wijk for the tip.
It looks like they sort of work too. Is that a skatepark or a ride at a carnival?
Red oak!
I’m gonna ask this inventor genius if he can come up with a better solution to sliced bread. Those all-to symetrical slices are soooooo mundane.
what does this guy got against tailslides? freakin trickism sucks.
that board has zero concave and a midget wb
Love how people just keep trying
It would be great for Farrah Fawcets
….. this guy I used to know from Swartz Creek could easily have designed their Skatewave array and been really proud of it….but he got taken to small claims court by his cousin/half sister/girlfriend, cause she caught him stealing her “waitress tips” to buy Wild Irish Rose to drink with her mom/sister who she also accused him of having sex with…. he threatened/assaulted her publicly before it got worse, and he fled the state before any of us thought to call the Jerry Springer Show and have their grievances aired in the sort of forum they deserved…
I used to work with a guy from western Kentucky who’d tell these terrible jokes about people from eastern Kentucky. They were the EXACT same jokes that we from Flint, tell about folks from Swartz Creek…there’s your full report.
WINNER: skaterhusseindave!
are people selling them? how much do they cost?
Sick! No I’m just kidding. That looks really lame as fuck.