Bristol Connecticut
I missed posting this in time, but apparently Rockwell Park in Bristol, Connecticut opened on Sunday. It’s an 18,000 SF street plaza and bowl built by California Skateparks. It’s open 24-7, no fee to skate and bike-free as well. ESPN was supposed to throw a party.
– Thanks to Bill Helene for sending in these pre-bash photos.
Here’s Bill in his own words:
Someone got a pic of me in my buster browns … kookin it.
Buster Browns? Are those Toughskins too?
Gotta Love tile below the coping. Sweet!
unreal an eastCoast park without hours and a fence and a fee! Yes
no fence no fees ……no hassle !……sk8!
Thanks for posting this Kilwag. Bill is a local hero here in CT. He’s dedicated to skating, promoting skateparks, and documenting both. Opening day was packed. Right after a raffle, the crowd wandered over to the bowl surrounding it completely, a few people deep. That is, until a board flew out and nearly hit a bystander’s head. That cleared the non-skating crowd out real fast. Luckily, no one got hurt.
Where was this shit when I was a youngster growing up in CT? Awesome to see that CT is getting some fun looking stuff to skate. Next trip back to visit family/friends I’ll have to make it to this park.
I hope it remains bike free, they have no business ruining a perfect park with there giant pegs and unwillingness to stay out of the way
Worse than them allowing bikes now, there is a large amount of random fat ppl and unattended under 10 yr old children with razor scooters getting in the way. But it is otherwise one of the best parks in CT. A lot of stuff is kinda small, but this park is a blast.