Gabriel Park comic

The truth about Gabriel Park

I never know what sort of reactions a post will get. Sometimes I can be spot on with a prediction, and other times when I hesitate to make a particular post, the comments flood in when it goes live. I made a quick public service announcement on Friday about the opening of Gabriel Park skate park, and it touched a nerve. Shortly thereafter I received a comic from a source that wishes to remain anonymous. All things considered, it’s pretty damned funny, so I’m posting it.

Click to enlarge.

Gabriel Park comic


28 thoughts on “The truth about Gabriel Park

  1. enemy combatant on July 14, 2008 - Reply

    Let he who has never enjoyed a cheeseburger cast the first stone!

    Besides, eating tofu gives you Alzheimers!


  2. DEATH BEFORE APPLEBEES on July 14, 2008 - Reply

    pretty damn funny, wasnt me though.

  3. Funny how in countries with little Alzheimer’s also happen to be countries with high soy product eating. Enemy Combatant you failed at being funny this time.

  4. houseofneil on July 14, 2008 - Reply

    screw all of that. I want to know why the little kid at the font has a Mike McGill deck. Doesn’t he know how much that is worth!!??

  5. Soy contains phytoestrogens which some reports have suggested is feminizing. Load up on that tofu and you’ll never have to leave the house.

  6. screw all of that. I want to know why the little kid at the font has a Mike McGill deck. Doesn

  7. Neil, I think that is the Ryan Scheckler “King skull” not a McGill. oops, Larry beat me to it. You probably knew anyway…

  8. DEATH BEFORE APPLEBEES on July 14, 2008 - Reply

    “Vegetarian” implies veggies would subsitute meat in ones diet. So wtf do hippies eat mostly tofu and tofu products?

    Rather, does it make sense that if one implies they dont eat meat, the alternative must be tofu?

    To answer both (of my own) questions;

    Because hippies are lame and if you see one, tie it to back of your car and drag it at least 5 miles for good measure.

    And yes,tofutarian is the new vegetarian.

  9. houseofneil on July 14, 2008 - Reply

    OK, someone get me a link to that deck please. There is nothing on the Plan B site that even looks like that.

  10. houseofneil on July 14, 2008 - Reply

    OK found it. It’s the Crown Skull, not King Skull. Thanks for the info guys. For the record, the skull is a total ripoff of the McGill. I guess that’s what I was reacting to.

  11. houseofneil on July 14, 2008 - Reply

    BTW, I found it in a skateshop in New Zealand. Couldn’t find it anywhere else. Isn’t the interweb a wonderful thing?

    And boy, do Plan B decks suck ass.

  12. Or is it a rip of of the Duane Peters “King Skull

  13. bobcat on July 14, 2008 - Reply

    i’m sure your 12-pack cheeseburger eating buddies at Skull and Cheeseburger skates already have “12 NOS NEW MCGILL SHECKLER SANTA CRUZ SKATE DECKS JESSEE” boards they bought off of egay

  14. I was checking out Plan B’s decks too, trying to find it. Their art department is asleep at the wheel. What’s with all the series decks with the same graphics and different pros names? Some of them look like they took 10 minutes to make, most look like generic shop decks or second rate companies. I can’t beleive that stuff sells.

  15. houseofneil on July 14, 2008 - Reply

    my buddies? yup, some of them are. Some not so much. A real mix, just like on here. Don’t I remember you from S&B?

  16. Possible comments are as follows:

    -Plan B needs a new plan A, Danny Way.

    -Anything is better than DGK.

    -That crown and skull sheckler was a real classic.. that was his model err graphic for ages…. over a month I think.

    • it’s quite the VCJ cop.

    -modern graphics reflect the creativity of modern tricks???

    -some grom at the park said my McGill was a plan B rip off. wtf!

  17. enemy combatant on July 15, 2008 - Reply

    “Funny how in countries with little Alzheimer

  18. solboy on July 15, 2008 - Reply

    some 14 year old grom at my local park uses/abuses his dad’s old Valleley Elephant design, it’s an original too… i told him it’s worth serious money. reaction – a shrug and “…uhhh?” Anyway, i just wanna know what’s in the box.

  19. houseofneil on July 15, 2008 - Reply

    offer him $50 for it. That way he can buy himself a new plan b piece of crap.

  20. solboy on July 15, 2008 - Reply

    Mmnn, maybe i will, but it’s so battered from a thousand failed kick flips i don’t think it’s worth even 50 bucks anymore. I don’t think it would make e bay watch anyway. That kid would love to have a Plan B Sheckler piece of crap, but i reckon his dad just told him “take this and stop bugging me kid…”

  21. Speaking of cheeseburgers… Waffle House Wedding – make sure you check out the photo gallery.

  22. ahhh, the reubenesque waffle house wedding set. the kids picking their noses. the skinny dad with the mullet/pony tail. The aroma of crepes with maple syrup and bacon congeal. Brad and Angie have nothing on these “simple folk”.
    “How’d you get ‘er into bed, Bubba?”
    “Piece of cake, Vern, piece…of…cake.”

  23. Prickly Pete on July 15, 2008 - Reply

    I think the groom is a “little person”. The article refers to him as the wee groom with a man-sized tummy tum. Wait, what was this post about? Oh yeah, soy.

  24. Skated this park a few times and find it kinky with a few turd shaped things to roll over. As far as kinky goes I

  25. C’mon, cheesburger!

  26. fat people are cool! quit heckling the kids, they just wanna ride. huh!

  27. hateboard on July 28, 2008 - Reply

    i dont dig this park. i skated it twice and both times i was just annoyed at the lack of creative flow and the fact that theres all this tiny shit you get shot into from the deeper sections. meh, whatever, the fatties can have this shitpile. but imma gonna steal them burgers.

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