The Ultimate Poser
Do you want to see a dead guy skate vert? (I don’t mean Ben Pappas. ) Gunther von Hagens looks more like a character in a bad movie than he does a scientist, but he started the Institute for Plastination to preserve bodies in clear plastic. His latest traveling exhibition is called Body Worlds 3 and it features a creepy looking skateboarder inverted. Is that a frontside invert? You can even buy posters of a dead guy skating vert, and I don’t mean Jeff Phillips.
Body Worlds 3
Gunther von Hagens is a fascinating character. He looks like a villain from an Indiana Jones movie. Before Germany was reunified, he was captured trying to escape from East Germany and served two years in prison. Now he collects dead bodies, pumps them full of plastic and sends them on tour to places like Portland’s Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, or OMSI.
Even the dead get Extreme™! Ten bucks will buy you this poster. You can donate your body, but you might want to ask about a contract clause prohibiting the display of your corpse rollerblading. If that’s not enough to give you nightmares, maybe this will.
Bad taste on the Ben Pappas joke. Too soon man.
Ouch. Yeah. I was actually more worried about the Jeff Phillips reference. Sometimes I forget that people actually read this.