
Skate terrain lettering

Some fun lettering by Grand Army. Here’s how they describe it:

Theo van Doesberg inspired typographic treatment for Nike SB. Letter construction: stair sets, rails and ramps.

Wasn’t Theo van Doesburg on Vision?


Multitouch: cross training for pro fingerboarders

Illusion Labs showed a demo of their Touchgrind iPhone game running on a MacBook. The game design is pretty unique, well not so much when you consider today’s “pro fingerboard” agenda. The biggest beef with the iPhone game is that the small screen severely limits game play. MacBooks and MacBook pros have a track pad that is multi-touch sensitive, so the game can still be played with your fingers and you’ll get the added benefit of extra screen real estate. I may actually buy a game for my Mac for the first time since Myth II, back in the OS 9 days. Loved that game. Finished Myth I, but couldn’t make it past one of the levels in Myth II. Apple even makes a mouse that has a trackpad built into the top surface. I wonder if you can play Touchgrind on that. Hold on. Buy Touchgrind? Wait a minute, what am I thinking? Review copy! Now if I can just get Apple to send me a review copy of that rumored new tablet computer.

– Thanks to Seth Levy for the tip. [Source: Engadget]

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Best $75 trucks ever (for your fingerboard)

That’s right. $75 professional quality replacement trucks for your fingerboard. My kids have handfulls of Tech Decks, and the axles on the trucks are always the first thing to break. I’ve switched out trucks and wheels for my kids so many times… but this is just a smidge too much. I suppose if you’re going to go ahead and spend $30 on replacement wheels, with bearings even, you’d want them to go on a quality truck. They even sell replacement parts for Black River trucks, like axles, bushings and kingpins. Of course, you’ll want to spend anywhere from $26 – $52 on a fingerboard deck. You could save money by picking up a complete for $28 to $60. These things seem to be a European manufacturing phenomenon, (France, Germany, Poland, three brands out of the Czech Republic!) but there are American brands included.

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Life Rolls On PSA

Life rolls on

The Life Rolls On Foundation “…is the story of able-bodied individuals, working in concert with those with spinal cord injury, to motivate each other with the inspirational message of achievement in the face of extreme adversity.”

Thier flagship progrm is something you might have heard about. It’s called They will surf Again. Here’s an old PSA that should bring to mind Leader O Men.

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Call for Art: 3rd Annual BCSA Art and Music Benefit!

Call for Art: 3rd Annual BCSA Art and Music Benefit!

The Benton County Skateboard Alliance is announcing a call for art for their 3rd Annual Art and Music Benefit:

The Benton County Skateboarding Alliance (BCSA) is hosting the 3rd annual Art & Music Show to raise money to improve the Eric Scott McKinley Skate Park in Corvallis, OR. Improvements include a new pro-style bowl, advanced street obstacles, lights, BBQ pits, and benches. We need $75,000 to $90,000 for the first phase (the bowl).

This is a community art show, and all art media and styles are accepted. All art in the show will be up for silent auction. We ask that a minimum of 51% of art sold go to the skate park fund. The show is planned for March 13th, 2010.

Art submission deadline is February 15th, 2010.

If you are interested in submitting art for this show, please contact the BCSA:

The BCSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; donations are tax deductable.

For more BCSA info, see their website:

Word is that the new venue is a bit of an upgrade from previous years. We’re going to try and send a party from Skate and Annoy down this year. I’m going to see if I can get my act together and do some flatwork printing done for this benefit.


Bacon Friday, Not a photo opp on Saturday

Tonight it the Bacon video premiere at DOS, free skate starts at 7pm, and ends at 8pm with the video premiere of Unheard. Saturday, January 23RD Cal’s Pharmacy is hosting an opening of photos from Mark Whiteley’s new book “THIS IS NOT A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY.” Mark will be here signing his book and Chris Johanson will be providing music. Any questions? call Cal’s Pharmacy at 503-233-1237.