
Cars on Half Pipes?

If you’ve ever owned or frequented a backyard ramp you’ve probably seen the attempts to ride the neighborhood gas powered scooter or small cc dirt bike on a half pipe before. It usually ends in a lot of pain or hole in the ramp. Somewhere there’s a guy in a cube getting paid to send emails to sites like this one in hopes of instigating a buzz about a product. It’s called viral marketing and it’s either ingenious or insidious, depending on how you look at it. In any case, it’s kind of fun to imagine the possibility that there are guys out there somewhere taking Extreme!™ to the next level by freestyle car driving on half pipes. Who knows, maybe some day someone will do something like this on a really basic level. Most of the videos are really well done. The screen captures are difficult cause the car is only is barely ever in frame with the ramp, which is why it sometimes works. When it doesn’t work it looks like crap. The official site is still being coy about what they are really advertising. Captain Obvious says it’s an upcoming video game. You guys owe me a copy when it comes out. [Update: This turned out to be viral advertising for the Nissan Qashqai ]


5 thoughts on “Cars on Half Pipes?

  1. Day Reah on November 2, 2006 - Reply

    I sent that to you. Someone sent the link to me. I guess viral marketing works. Were all infected.

    To make up for it, here is a non-viral video that I didn’t make but that is very moving.

  2. Ooops. Sorry. Cleaning out the in box and didn’t realize it was from a recurring commenter… because nobody uses their real names on the internet like me.. or, well, uhm…

    I found that video amusing too, but that may only be because I went to art school.

  3. House of Neil on November 3, 2006 - Reply

    not even close to real looking. Stupid, fake, pointless.

  4. Gee whiz, it must be a downer when all the joy has left your life!

  5. Again, cheers to Neil…couldn’t have said it better myself.

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