Ice Skateboards from Woman’s Day to 1967
Yeah, that’s right. I read Woman’s Day all the time. I like to brush up on my jello recipes, kick-knacks and diets. You know, keeping it real. Imagine my joy and delight when I perused 8 Incredible Ice Sculptures, which included this photograph from Eugenio Franchi. There are skateboards made out of ice, and then there are skateboards made for riding on the ice. Almost a year ago I did a little digging around on the history of ice-boards. The daughter of Willard Gebien, one of the inventors wrote in to let us know she first ice-boarded in 1964. Debra Fischler had this to say:
The winter of 1964 I was iceskate boarding. It was fun! My father is Willard Gebien… I only have one still picture on hand -1966 my dog riding the skate board, however my cousins may have home movies and pictures in their attic. Also, I remember the Ice Capades in Chicago used the board in their clown act.
Catch the picture after the jump.
So here’s the shot she sent me. I wish it was in color. Check out the developing date on the frame. Pure gold!
Here’s what I had to say about the first iceboard patent on record (that I could find).
Back in 1966, United States Patent 3329439 was published that was essentially the 60’s era skateboard technology for ice. Instead of adapting the roller skate trucks, inventor Willard Gebien replaced the whole apparatus. Gebien was from Libertyville Illinois.
And the patent drawing.
Can a dog have fun on one of these? Maybe a close up of the dog will tell.
The Ice Cream Reeboks were a nice touch.
Hello! 1967… Dog on an ice skateboard… Are you receiving?
kick-knacks…pretty clever
Is that the Shaggy D.A.? Awesome post. More history lessons!
N-ice sculpture!(Ha ha).
If it’s a smooth glide,would you think she really pulled the dog around by its neck?
Jan. 1992 Thrasher (featuring Ice-T!),in the back; ‘Somethin’ Else’ features a similar ice board that features irons that bolt on to your regular trucks.
I remember that. The guy was ollieing over a stack of boards in an ice rink.