Dinosaur Jr vid with J Mascis skating and posing
Check out the video for “I’m Over It” by Dinosaur Jr. Old Jay is engaged in some street skating in the vid, most likely with the help of a stunt double or two. Most music videos with skateboarding don’t go through the trouble of showing the band actually skating, even if they are posing tricks. He brought along one of his Alien Workshop Dinosaur Jr skateboards and a posse of BMX riders for the shoot. I like the vid, especially if it is posed.
– Thanks to Peter Brown for the tip.
[Source: The Village Voice]
That video is great, we ran a thing about that too. A lot of those spots were filmed here in Jacksonville, FL. Some homies of mine showed them around to the spots. Jay Mascis is a super chill dude, they’ve been coming to J-ville for a long time. Last time I saw them I picked up one of their Alien Workshop boards for my collection. Thanks for sharing this.
Mike Watt made an appearance too!
I though that might be him.
Are those biker dudes in the video J. Mascis’ bandmates?
I think not.