
“The Mind of a Lud-atic” in Portland Thursday
Only a skater can wander around in southeast Portland, and understand the significance of a Sharpie marker- drawn little bird with “Luda Crooks” written underneath. The graffiti art of Chet Childress shows up in the places where one would expect it to show up the most: dive bar bathrooms, bus stops, skate-spots, etc. The above picture is an example taken from his myspace page. Oh, did I mention that Chet Childress rips?
Childress will have a showing of his art from 7-10 pm on Thursday, December 18th at the Department of Skateboarding, located at 15 NE Hancock Portland, OR 97212.
That ain’t art, that is vandalism.
I wish I was in the area of his show tonight. I come and leave my “art” all over his “art” and his car too.
You don’t really want to start with me on this one.
I know graffiti. If you don’t know Futura2000, Dash and Craze then you don’t have the knowledge to even challange me on what I know about graffiti.
Graffiti is simple vandalism. If I owned the stall where this vandal left his childish scrawl I sue him to pay to have it painted.
This is why sakteboarders are known as punks. This is a punk ass thing to do.
Brew Jay!! Long Live Crooks!
DaddyYo. If I ask you nicely, will you please go away?
Kilwag is doing the right thing here by not banning you from his site but seriously, please go away. Go take a nap or something, get your mind off of Skate and Annoy.
so daddyo youre not even a skater. im not defending graffiti but if we are such punks why the fuck are you even on here? youre not even a skater, youre a mountain boarder and you suck at even that. go call rush limbaugh and to reiterate past comments, fuck off. we are not all obama worshippers, btw.
Without vandalism, we wouldn’t have Shepherd Fairey, Jay Meer, or Basquiat… just to name a few. The world would be pretty boring if there weren’t people that are artistically inspired by modern society’s presence.
I guess that DaddyYo is one of those TS Eliot snobs that thinks that art should be reserved for rich elitists whose artistic merits are based only on the study of historical movements and not raw talent. Do you only listen to neo-Classical and Lounge Jazz music too, Daddy Yo? I like rock and roll, you poser.
Banksy is a great example of that too. Jay Brew is rad..lost in crookslation
Shepherd Fairey is a plagiarist!
Hey wait my brother plays jazz music and he’s a cool cat, man.
You do “own that stall” DaddYo!
I just have a wide stance.
Without “vandalism”, skaters in the 70s would never been able to skate in swimming pools, which gave rise to the big rolley-polley tranny parks you ride today, DaddyYo.
Argue that.
kwag- love the pop up!
Heath – I like Fairey’s work. For illustration it’s not bad. Although it is not art.
Here is the funny thing I found on his wikipedia site:
I would like to thank you for using your talent in support of my campaign. The political messages involved in your work have encouraged Americans to believe they can change the status-quo.
Your images have a profound affect on people, whether seen in a gallery or on a stop sign. I am privileged to be a part of your artwork and proud to have your support. – Barack Obama, February 22, 2008
Change the staus quo. Where’s the change? It is the clinton administration all over again.
Seen in a gallery or a STOP SIGN? Our dumb ass President thinks it’s okay to vandalise stop signs?
What an idiot!
I think that any of the municiplalities that had to spend tax money to remove this guys graffiti should be able to get that money back form this tshirt business.
Graffiti for this guy is just stealing advertising space. Everyone else pays for it why not him?
Heath – Jay Meer is terrible. It is standard childish crap. WE don’t have Basguiat. Remember? He killed himself with a herion overdose.
You aere wrong anyway. The history of art is filled with many artist that were actual artist and made their name on the strength of their work and not on stealing advertising space.
One of my favorite memories of New York City was the big concrete block wall that was left standing on Houston and Broadway. It wasn’t demolished when the building was torn down because it had a big Keith Haring graffiti mural on it.
After about a week a chain link fence was erected in front of it to keep other people from writing over it.
Ha, ha. The city had to protect the work of one vandal from the other vandals. Keith Haring should have been sued by the city for making his reputation from stealing advertising on the billboards in the subways.
These graffiti vandals should open a gallery show their work just like honest artist.
Ash – If the 70’s skaters who trespassed on private property hadn’t of ridden those pools maybe we would have skateparks that aren’t goofy replications of swimming pools.
Maybe we would have skateparks designed FOR skateboards rather than for swimming.
KC – no I don’t own that stall. Do you? Does the graffiti vandal that vandalised it own it?
Heath – everything else you said was nonsense.
Art is in the eye of the beholder. Graffiti is just urban folk art. Just because the canvas is someone’s supposed “property,” does not diminish the artistic quality or value of it. A nicely painted mural is much better than a plain wall. Graffiti adds character to public space (although gang graffiti is crap).
Also, Jaymeer is super talented (not childish) and pools are great to skate (along with the”goofy” skatepark replications!)
Skate everything!
You’ve cited to Wikipedia in a few S&A threads lately. Please consider spending more time editing Wikipedia entries, and less time antagonizing people on S&A. Thanks.
I was a Commissioner with my city’s Beautification and Environmental Commission.
As Commissioner, I coordinated the various departments of the city government that had something to do with combating graffiti into a unified department. This department now has a web site where citizens throughout the city can report graffiti. The graffiti is painted over within 24 hours, in most cases.
If it is on private property, the property owner has 48 hours to remove it after notification by the city. It they do not remove it they can be fined.
I am supplied with paint by the Public Works Department that I keep in my car to paint over graffiti.
I mostly just paint tags because, where I paint over, the vandals don’t have time to paint anything elaborate before I paint over it. I have had some businesses fined for having graffiti murals on the exterior of their businesses. I have used the anti-graffiti law and the signage code to force them to remove it.
After the graffiti was removed the incidents of graffiti vandalism in the neighborhood dropped significantly. I would follow up in the worst neighborhoods with flyers informing homeowners and businesses to call the graffiti hot line. After that, the graffiti stopped.
I call it my anti-graffiti painting “public art work”. I am a minimalist working in a monochrome palate of gray anti-graffiti paint applied with a roller. I am interested in the public reaction to the transient relationship of graffiti impermanence in the public realm. Look for my
chet rides for nike. nike is for lame fags. lame fags use sharpies in bathrooms. he is a red headed pussy, he can skate well, but maybe he should use the $ he gets from nike to take some art lessons.. what a tool, maybe him and joey should hang out and go fishing in his fish pond. i love acid and i eat shit. daddyo is the coolest person ever. i want to be like him and clone my daddyyoyo self and create and army that rolls around those epic boards and take over the world.
please go ahead and do that, i would love to see you on the news. go throw a shoe at him!
can somebody turn daddy yo into the secret service for making a threat at the president??
Josh – no, art is a specific thing having specific qualities that have been established throughout the course of human history.
Read some art history or esthetic philospophy and educate yourself. Then go to museum.
I gues “property” to you is just something you negate with quotation marks.
Can I come to your house and paint my mural of a cop kicking a skater’s ass? It would look alot better than a blank wall – don’t you think?
LP – why would Obama care if I tagged his house. He supports graffiti vandalism. He said so himself.
why dont you go mountain boarding now? or are you busy taking little kids lunch money at the 7-11?
LP – I don’t ride a mountainboard.
I guarantee every art professor in every university in this country would be willing to recognize the artistic qualities of graffiti.
Also, many graffiti artists (Banksey for example) have had work and photos of their work on display in museums, so I guess now they’d have to be considered art.
Please do come to my landlord’s “property” and paint whatever you want. Sounds pretty hilarious to me. A cop kicking a skater’s ass is pretty quality social commentary and definitely worthy of being up on a wall somewhere. You might some revolutionary qualities after all and not be a total tool for the man!
Hey turdy yo, re this comment
“If you don
Brew jay! Flying high.
oh yes, sorry you dont ride, you FLOW, much like my shit after eating your sister’s god awful cooking. if i knew she had a dick i wouldnt have gone over for dinner.
josh – a pile of shit has artisitic qualities but it ain’t art. So I guess you are right – graffti, like a pile of shit, has some artistic qualities.
Glad we agree on that.
Bansky is just a third rate graphic designer. He’d be doing reataurant menus if he didn’t have the advantage of stealing advertising space.
It figures you don’t own a house. How about I paint your car? Wouldn’t that be Changeolutionary?
Ha ha, no car either. I’d rather skate or ride my bike instead of polluting the planet. Keeps me from becoming a fat redneck, too.
Obama’s no revolutionary, so your little comment is just silly. He’s just another typical American politician who’d be part of the Tory party if he was on the other side of the Atlantic. I do think he was a better choice than the bitter old white guy and his backwoods harlot.
this is awesome
Josh – at least we agree on Obama and McCain. However you wish you could get a babe like Gov. Palin. Obama is a Changeolutionary.
Okay, so I will destroy your bike and skateboard and twist them into “art”. That’s good for you or is it okay when it is someone else’s property?
Also, you polute the planet with your bike and skateboard unless you have some method of organicly growing them in your garden.
Where did you go to art school?
All this posting by DaddyYo makes me long for the days of heated, lengthy street vs. tranny threads.
I would like to see a swastika of penises being sucked by George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Ronald Regan and Daddy Yo. That would be considered art (twisted but funny). Advertisement would be come over here to Daddy Yo and do whatever you want to him. No need for a reach around under the picture would be an advertisement.
Graffiti is not advertisement it is illegal, but I kinda like it. My car is already spray painted you can put whatever you want on it. I have two bikes that you can make art out of if I don’t first. You are out of touch with youth, but if it makes you feel better your a retard too so you have an excuse.
They tried doing the roller grey paint thing around my home town and it failed miserably when business owners went from having little pieces of sharpie to grey paint marks on their building and the city ended up having to repaint some of the buildings they were attempting to keep clean. How do you keep up with all of your law suit threats? As far as Chet Childress’s art is considered it’s cool but whatever good looking out homie.
Daddy Yo’s a FUCKING MARK.
daddio, the reason you don’t like pools to skate in, is because you can’t drop in on that silly rollerboard you strap on to. Now if the pools had a roll in , you would be all for it. BTW, you weren’t a commissioner for the beautification committee, infact they ran you off. you pot smokin slug!
What a douche-bag. DaddyYo is one of the fucking worst Net ‘preachers’ in USA. Kook with straps that gets boners over roll-ins. Fucking get a life already.
good thing people like daddyo dont like graffiti, the fact that its not allowed is what makes it awesome
“I wish I was in the area of his show tonight. I come and leave my
RIP skate and annoy, you had a fun site while the going was good.
Just don’t look. Just don’t look.
Sorry guys took a vacation. I’ll get back and prop Randy up proper……DaddyYo, in the words of Donald Trump “Your fired, get the fuck out!”
So what part of “ignore him” do you not understand? Everyone complaining about DaddyYo and continuing to confront him is ALMOST worse than the culprit himself.
Kilwag- your not the first ‘skate’ site to ban him. So either lose him, or lose your fans. His ‘preaching’ is not welcome. Ignoring him is hard, so do us all a favor and help us all ‘ignore him!”
Freedom to ban SPAM. I’m with the ban that bitch mentality. I’m an asshole and feel obligated when presented with an idiot to slam him down with my false sense of entitlement. Sorry I can’t just ignore that fool, he is really annoying though. Is that why he has not been banned because of the Annoy part of the title and not the Skate part? You do what you want it is your site but it does appear that it would be easier to ban him than put up with all of this hassle.
no sorry Im not paying attention kilwag I might have the add. What else am I supposed to do after coming back from a skate trip? Man that guy is long winded. why talk politics on a site whos focus is skateboarding? I thought I needed to get a life but apparanently I have one. daddy douche bag definitly needs to get a life it sounds like he spends all his time on the internet trying to piss off the world. I highly doubt he has any close or real friends or that anyone would admit to liking him or consider him to be a friend. sorry i couldnt help it time to get back to a skate vid and crack a beer. haha
o ya chet aka ludcrooks is one sick skater. I think its sick he tags funny little characters or funny that he tags sick little characters sorta gonz like. I think doing “art” like skateboarding is also supposed to be fun not sure though. Life might not be about fun but its probably a good idea to at least try. o shit I almost forgot about that beer. HAHA. o thats some good beer. peace out yo. MR MC
Kilwags Spine Says:
December 16th, 2008 at 9:12 pm
Kilwag- your not the first
I am DaddyYo.
and I like boys… Little ones.
Oh, that’s gross DaddyYo!!!
I pity DaddyYo.
Wow, you can sign on as anyone or anyone else on this site.
Pretty cool. Who is posting what and is it really the actual person? We’ll never know.
Yes, but the ip addresses are logged…
They’re made out of trees?
I actually like reading all the Daddyo “discussions”. It’s like watching a retarded kid getting picked on by bigger, stronger, smarter, less gay, bullies. I enjoy stuff like that. And in this case, the retard actually deserves it, so I don’t have to feel guilty for laughing instead of intervening.
I agree Brent, except I don’t think DaddyYo is actually retarted. If you read his posts his is actually pretty knowledgeable (although he doesn’t share the same liberal philosophies).
It isn’t that DaddyYo is retarted, gay, or weaker, it is that he is 100% socially inpet. No one ever taught him about friendship or cooperation. I think alot of the guys on this site are just as big of assholes as DaddyYo, and probably (judging from spelling and typing skills), much stupider. The big difference is volume. DaddyYo has this urge to coment extensively on everything anyone says, and he always thinks that his answer is the end all be all, the way it is.
That, and he threatened to sue Kilwag and bring police escorts with him to Burnside. I take that back, no one on this site is as big of an asshole as DaddyYo.
You just used a lot of words to say RETARDED. Who in any mind set brings cops to Burnside? That is asking for an ass kicking (only a retard would try and get their ass kicked). Gay is questionable but I do believe somebody could make up statistics that state homosexuals are more likely to sue. Copy and paste from an online dictionary or encyclopedia is not intelligent; A monkey typing randomly at a keyboard making Shakespeare is not intelligent but statistically it is possible for that monkey to get something right.
Let me make myself perfectly clear here, Simply Stupid. I never said that DaddyYo was “intelligent.” I said that he was knowledgeable, meaning he has read alot, not that he had a high IQ. Furthermore, I think you missed the point of my post. I was not defending DaddyYo’s superior intellect (OBVIOUS SARCASM, although some of you have missed the of my sarcasm in the past), the point was to say that he isn’t neccasarilly retarded, but incapable of interacting in any sort of meaningful way with people of conflicting views, much like many other SNA frequenters. He is, undoubtedly the worst, but why are you all getting so bent out of shape over his threats of lawsuit and police escort? He is obviously bluffing, why give him the satisfaction of acknowledgement.
This will be my last post on the subject of DaddyYo. I, for one, am not calling for his banishment. I stand with Kilwag on the matter; let us all ignore him and watch him fade into obscurity. Then we can all get back to the main point of SNA, spreading hate on BMXers.
I gotta give it up that roller painting over a graf art exhibit would be pretty damn ironically funny.
Aye, yo! FabbyYo here givin
Wow!!! What a HOOT! So what was the topic on??? OK, Chet. YOU PHUCKED UP A URINAL AND YOU ARE WRONG. I’m gonna go check you out and so should everybody else.
Tonight ART show, Friday the GUN show at the expo center, a PEEP show at MR. peeps, and then a few cold ones down the road and pick up a little hotty, or a hot cougar, milf, or a slump buster if all else failes.
this is pure madness.(insert big words and catchy things about how im right and your wrong)
blogging is for chumps, go suck a lemon
i know im blogging, but im also sucking a lemon
This is life, people express their opinions and are entitled to em!
If you dont like it, to f-ing bad.
BAN HIM…LOL Walk Away, don’t read his posts, be a man!!
JMs FINAL WORD: Srry guys was obv. busy and missed this one, so coming in late to the Roast. I enjoy painting murals on walls, not just limiting myself to a gallery. Re-read your posts Daddy-Yo I think that you & everyone will find, they are much more terrible childish crap, than my art. You were a Commissioner well thank God a stubborn fool like you is not anymore, i feel sorry for the people that had to work with your less than innovative mind. Invest your time in something worthwhile other than politics or bloggin, maby you can build some skill in something more than being an annoying jerk or shooting your email/mouth off on demand. posting here, your going no-where.. lol I’d love to watch you eat that roller, hater.
Judgement = Being a hated blogger, trapped with your own ignorance driving you crazy, because you only feel pain & misery from others fun. FYI Hatred only brings you more pain & corrupts your mind, me I have better things to do with my time like painting & skateboarding & being happy. Maby your name is Art but you aren’t artistic so you hate yourself? WHo knows but one thing is for sure, as Mr. T would say, “I pity the fool!”
Hey Daddy Yo you are a stuck up dousher for saying thats not art.
Art comes in all ways and styles, so who are you to say that this isnt art.
And by the way, you like boys.