Fortunately, Skip is still ticking.
You may have heard that actor Heath Ledger died yesterday of an apparent sleeping pill overdose. Everyone loves to remember him as a gay cowboy, but his portrayal of Skip Engblom was pretty much the highlight of The Lords of Dogtown in the dramatic version of Peralta’s Dogtown documentary. Heath not only played a skater in the movies, but played with skateboards in real life too, as seen in the two shots at the bottom right from Hellomagazine.com. The other shots are production stills from Lords.
Shame, he always seemed like a nice guy. More talented than that twat Brad Pitt anyways. Looks pretty good as the Joker too.
This is skate-related news for sure. He was great as skipperboy and was like a Malcolm McLaren (Rhodes?) t-shirt come-to-life in Brokeback Mountain. He shined Hollywood and preferred to lurk in Soho, NYC- would’ve made Johnny Thunders proud. He helped make Dogtown and Z-Boys a great movie, even if its curiously absent from most media reports on his death.
one would think that all the “consultants” on lordz of dogtown would’ve broken him of his mall grab habit. oh well. RIP.
i was really bummed to hear one of the few actors i respect, had passed on, RIP.
man what a massive bummer never to hear him speak, touch laugh, love, rip heath youll be remembered in all there hearts