Still murdering, slightly less of a scumbag
Vision Street Wear (through Select Distribution) is pimping a limited release of the Vision “Tribute Series” including, for immediate delivery the “Gator Ramp (with his actual name on the boards)” I pressed the sales rep for information on who gets those royalties, and after a few elusive, vague responses I ultimately received the answer that Select somehow owned the Gator name from the get go, and so they don’t need to pay any royalties. I don’t know how that pans out for the boards “with his actual name on it.” My guess is Mark failed to trademark “Gator” and didn’t think about it since it was already his nickname. He probably figured he didn’t need to. Remember When He started going by a different name? Mark Gator Anthony or something… What does Mark “Gator” Rogowski have to say about the re-issues? He spoke up about it in Sean Cliver’s (great) new book, Disposable The Skateboard Bible.
One redeeming (and useful) gesture would be for companies that still sell decks with the old Gator graphics (with or without the name) to please direct what would have been royalties to organizations devoted to ending violence and promoting understanding. That could be really healing.
It’s on page 236.
Full review of the book is on the way, but safe to say, if you liked the first one, you need the second one too.
it’s nice he wants to help but it’s just best if he was forgotten. why would anyone buy a Vision anything????that company sucks and always has I don’t care who owns them now
Yeah Vision was sold in Sports Direct for years now suddenly they are selling shirts for
I loathe Gator, sold both of my decks as soon as I could. Murdering Douchebag
Even as a kid I thought he was a douche. He just looked like one.
Gator was a great skateboarder.
Kilwag, didn’t you get threatened by Gator once for wearing a Vision Street Wimp t-shirt?
Naw, that was someone in D.I. I think… DI and some other bands played at the Channing Murray, at a party after hours one of the guys in the band copped an attitude, started vibing me about the shirt. Turns out they were sort of sponsored by Vision at the time. But no threats were made. I told them I made it because I thought it was funny. I can’t remember what bands were there, but one of them was DI, and some other bands that were west coast famous. I remember black haired kid from Suburbia was a roadie.. I want to say Circle Jerks were there too but that doesn’t seem right. Did yuo go to that show?
You know, Circle Jerks might have been on that tour after all. I thinkit was someone in the jerks.
that show had Doggy Style…I think
I remember the DI show. It wasn’t the Circle Jerks. Pretty crap show from what I remember.
As an owner of one of the reissues, it does NOT say “Mark Rogowski Pro Model” on it as seen in the pic. Apparently a few with that went out but they thought twice, so it just says Gator.
Gator was not really a bad guy at all before the murder. I wrote him a letter one time and he wrote back personally and sent me some stickers. It’s a shame what happened really, Gator was one of the true talents back in the day, until he tried street skating.
Couldn’t have said it better myself! Gator, you are NOT forgotten!
“Gator was not really a bad guy at all before the murder” LP
That’s what I told the judge.
Ah, crap I just got traded for a pack of smokes, AGAIN!
you werent, gator, some of us actually looked up to you. i’m waiting for your signature model of “the club” and surfboard bags.
agreed! dude ruled. couple of mistakes….oh well. If he did this in Oregon in 2015 he would be free. All crime is OK here, just need a psych eval
Neil, I remember there was a band on the bill that was “bigger” than D.I. . I also remember that night being a bit of a dud too. I think the kid from Suburbia was the highlight of the evening.
Gator believed his own hype
Come on…OJ wasn’t playing for the bills when he murdered Nicole, and Gator wasn’t skating for Vision when he did what he did… Should Vision stop making product completely because one of their most iconic Graphics was tied to gator? What about Christian Hasoi and rising sun…Dusty Fox is wearing OJ’s jersey number right now. The Vision Gator is a product, not a person. It’s named after a person prior to him gettin on the sauce and going craaaazy..
Who is Dusty Fox?
Vision shouldn’t be marketing the Gator name, it’s in really, really poor taste.
Dude who cares who talked shit to your gay ass? if it was the people from D.I. i’d guess it was pretty funny since those dudes were fucking hillarious back then.
If it was Tsol, you would have been knocked out if you said anything so it wouldn’t have been them, little man.
case closed
Hey internet tough guy, settle the hell down. Don’t tell me, you were “big in the scene” back then. Who the hell cares? DI were dicks and so were Decry. TSOL? Ha. Lost all credibility when they did that lame ass soft metal crap as Tender Fury. Absolute garbage.
case closed.
Neil, are you still this much of a prig? Such and such band did some material that was shit, so nobody should like anything by them? (Case CLOSED… that’ll learn ’em!) Or were you claiming here they lost any ability to kick butts because they did a shit album? I’m sure they did plenty of awful stuff sans Jack, but I’ve listened to some of your POSITIVE recommendations, and you should really probably stick to arbiting deck graphics. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that… even were it in a GEICO ad)
TSOL suck for air and you eat mung,sack-scratcher
yo, who are you guys? still skating? wassup
I think gator was and is cool as hell, he played his cards wron, never should have became friends with f’d in the head religious cunts.
Gator Ruled. his skating should stand alone. Suswayne….barge at will
The ‘son of Sam law’ passed in the 80s prevents convicted murderers from receiving any royalties. If any thing the victims family would get the royalties. Gator fuct up hard, he was a huge personality, like Phillips who offed himself gator couldn’t control that fire that made him burn so hard. Too bad fucking waste. I had skate visions video in 1985 watched it till it broke so I’m bummed
I’d recommend changing the misleading headline of this blog post or deleting it altogether. It’s defamation to say someone is “still murdering” when in reality the solitary crime this guy committed was over 25 years ago back in 1991. Love him or hate him, Rogowski is doing his time, and he didn’t have to issue ANY statement on the reissues so the fact he wants the proceeds donated was a good gesture on his part when he didn’t have to make one. Best, Harry
It’s not defamation, it a twist on the expression “He’s a murdering scumbag.” So he’s slightly less of a scumbag, but still a murderer. Even in the documentary, he doesn’t unconditionally accept his responsibility, nor seem to show real remorse. He’s got thick skin, this (7 year old) headline isn’t going to hurt his feelings. I think your sympathies are misplaced.
I hear ya, the only thing is that he stated in the documentary that he “tried to put himself in her families shoes”, and that “she didn’t deserve my rage”. The dude expressed remorse every time he spoke about it. I defnitely don’t sympathize with Rogowski at all, he needs to do the time. But as far as your claim he didn’t accept reponsibility, he’s currently in prison cause he turned himself in and admitted to the crime. She was a ‘Jane Doe’ found in the desert by some kid who was ATV’ing, and they weren’t even aware of how the girl even died until he confessed to the whole thing. Anyway, whatever that’s my two cents.
Best, Harry