Thomas Techni-Ski Magnesium

Buyer’s remorse

I love eBay Watch, but I typically don’t try to by things on eBay unless there is one specific thing I need for a practical purpose. Sometimes during research I find myself on eBay, and there’s split second where I have to make a decision on whether or not to look at something else that catches my eye. If I do, it’s all over. I end up making a bunch of retarded bids. Half of them I know I have no chance of winning and the other half of my bids are influenced by irrational emotional attachment. Sometimes, after I come down, I find that I have won one or more useless items that I paid too much for. I call this phenomenon the “eBay Hangover.” I’ve had a nagging desire to own one of these 70’s era Techni-Ski skateboard ski simulators since I saw my first one in a magazine that was probably 20 years old. Now, unfortunately, I do own one. I’m not going to say how much it cost unless Neil picks it up in his column. More details to follow. I know you are all glued to your monitors…


40 thoughts on “Buyer’s remorse

  1. Are ya gonna ride it??? Something about it says “bumper tow”… hmmm tempting. Wear all your pads. haha.

  2. Take the trucks off and put it on some gigantic homemade board.

  3. enemy combatant on June 11, 2008 - Reply

    Are those standard double-cushion/kingpin skate trucks? Looks like they might be good for a street luge.

  4. houseofneil on June 11, 2008 - Reply

    yes I saw that and wondered “who would bid on that tea-tray?”. Now I know.

  5. carvin' marvin' on June 11, 2008 - Reply

    just put it back on auction, lotsa suckas sorry they didn’t bid; givem another chance (and cash in)

  6. Are you sure you bought a “ski-skateboard” and not a “dirty used sex toy”?

  7. bailgun on June 11, 2008 - Reply




  8. shut up!

  9. solboy on June 12, 2008 - Reply

    oh well, when u get bored of it, it looks perfect for sliding under a car for those home oil change jobs.

    Aren’t these featured in “Skateboard Madness”?

  10. $100 seems like a bargain compared to the $650 being asked for the one on there now.

  11. idahosk8gringo on June 12, 2008 - Reply

    How do take your foot off to push without carving hard to one side?

  12. You don’t. It’s strictly downhill only. You supposed to use poles with it too.

    Somewhere out there someone has an advert for one of these. Please send it in!


      Dusted off the TECHNISKI. First outing in 30+ years. Would love advice on new wheels, bearings and bushings! Thanks.

      1. Nice! Did you paint yours is that the way it came? Plastic version or the metal version? My guess is you want relatively soft wheels, bearings and bushings not too important. I prefer Bones brand bushings but not sure they’d fit in the Techni-ski trucks.

  13. Have you taken it down Mt. Tabor yet? Oh, wait, it’s one of those collector things isn’t it?

  14. enemy combatant on June 12, 2008 - Reply

    I still wanna see a picture of the trucks.

  15. Jason Bigler on May 11, 2009 - Reply

    Hey my dad is an old vintage guy that had one of these as a kid. now he wants me to try one. do you still have it and is it available. how much would you want for it.


  16. favoritesshop on July 2, 2009 - Reply

    I have one of those and I just happen to be putting up on ebay today. Have fun bidding.

  17. No way, you’ve got the poles too! Send me a pic of them, would ya? Do you have any of the packaging or instructions?

  18. LOL – amazing. I worked for the inventor/owner of these as a high school kid – we set up a little park and rope tow with a flag course. We also ski’d any and everywhere on mountain roads with these – it was actually amazing fun. I still have several of them in my parents garage, including the old poles (white with rubber red stoppers). Oh the memories, unfortunately these boards start cracking on the inner seem after a while. I imagine most all mine are atleast slightly cracked from some hard riding. BTW, the owner/inventors name is Brooks Thomas and i’m guessing he’s probably living in Hawaii now – would love to talk with him again if anyone knows…

    1. Hey ryan, are you from utah? that’s when I bought my techni-ski. I love mine and I still use it. Yeah, I haven’t heard or seen anything on brooks in years. I don’t even know if you will get this. But email me if you can.

      1. Just now seeing your response Todd – yes, I’m in Utah and worked for Brooks back in the day setting up the park at the point of the mountain – we use to ski the alpine loop all the time – incredible memories:)

    2. Lol!
      I just met Brooks today, in Hawaii!
      I noticed a stack of funny looking skateboards in his carport that started a long chat!!

      1. Chris on June 5, 2024 - Reply

        I’m looking for one of these. Anyone know where I can find one?

    3. Brooks on July 28, 2024 - Reply

      Aloha Ryan
      You are right, we are in Hawaii. This is Brooks and Tonia.
      It’s so trippy how we stumbled on your post today, because we were talking about you not long ago. “Remember that kid who helped set up the Techni-Ski park? Was it Ryan? Yeah I think his name was Ryan. What a sweetheart that kid was! Such a great attitude! He had so much aloha. Here we live in Hawaii, but the most aloha I can remember came from Utah.”
      I hope this finds you healthy and happy. We are doing well. I’m working on another invention involving hydrofoiling. I’m still surfing, and Tonia is still riding her bike up the steepest hills.
      We’d like to hear from you if you are so inclined. Tonia sends her love too.
      Your old friend,

    1. rad photo!

    2. Where are your ski poles? Whose board was it? I need to start a Techni-Ski owners club…

      1. Billy Bones on April 26, 2012 - Reply

        No ski poles unfortunately. I have a friend from the East Coast who came out for the Maryhill Freeride and she brought the techni-ski with her. She said that a friend had it laying around and eventually gave it to her because he knew she was a skater. I looked identical to the one pictured above (at least until I swapped out wheels).

      2. Hey. Came across your post during a Google search on my Techni-Ski. Bought it new in the early eighties. It’s virtually unused with the poles and manual. Did you ever start an owners club, or was that a joke?

        1. I did not start an owner club, I was making a joke.

  19. I was on the Techni-Ski demonstration team out of North County San Diego in 1978. The inventor Brooks Thomas got my dad, also an inventor, involved in the business. I still own 3 that are brand new with the boxes, plus a bunch of used ones from our demo days. If anybody has a film crew, I’ll get the band back together and show you how it’s done. Ryan, look me up next time you are in town and lets go ski La Costa.

    1. Scott, still have those Techniski boards? The new ones? I would love to buy one or all… Lemme know!!!

    2. hey we just picked up a techni-ski at a garage sale and my kids love it. We have the poles with it as well. anybody interested in buying it when they are done playing with it. Why are some metal and some plastic?

      1. Jeff Docter on August 11, 2015 - Reply

        I’d love to own a useable Techni-Ski, to help my grand daughter ski in the summer. They still show the video at the Alpine Inn at Crystal. I remember them being pretty fun.

        1. I have an interview with the inventor in progress, pictures… should be a good one.

    3. Giles Shearing on June 4, 2024 - Reply

      Hi Scott
      If you’re interested in selling one, we’d love to buy one. Skateboard and ski racing fam from Revelstoke Canada. Thanks for considering:)

  20. Jason on May 5, 2020 - Reply

    fUDGSICLE- I am in a vortex time machine- whoa! I rode these with my dad in late 70’s with Brooks, when La Costa was nothing but miles of virgin & perfect black top. Unbelievable, we shredded for hours. My Dad owned the Hydra in Cardiff. Anyways, if anyone has a clean one, I’d love to give you a fair price… Aloha, Jason 858-945-3898

  21. Janir Thorndike on January 16, 2021 - Reply

    Funny, just met him today here on the BI down at Kawaihae surf park – he showed me some mini foil wings he was building. he told me to search up the techniski so I did and found your comment

  22. philip turner on January 21, 2025 - Reply

    I thinks Brooks was my teacher at St Francis of Assisi in vista ca. 1982 or so ? Is this the same guy

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