Tragedy Part 2
Some things once glorious, fade into tragedy or treachery. Danimal testifies:
Hass and I stopped by the River’s Inn last sunday and it looks like shit. We also barged the park in the evening on Easter
On the left, the tragedy of a permission pool neglected. On the right, the treachery of a public skatepark betrayed by the very people entrusted to serve the public. OK, I have to assume it’s a betrayal if the situation with the Klamath Falls skatepark is still as bad off as I had heard. Greatly reduced operating hours subject to the whim of a local business entity (without roots in skateboarding) that gets paid to act as the park pad nanny when the whole thing used to be unsupervised and free. K-Falls must be the one town in Oregon that doesn’t get it. Click to enlarge.
nothing a trash pump for and hour cant fix…the park? you got it! BARGE!!!!!F’m
the park had hours posted something like 10-5pm, closed on monday and tuesday wtf? a couple local kids were there too and said they’ve only been hassled barging the place by the “fatass park nanny” haha.
We almost got fucked for hopping the fence like 5 minutes before the park opened because we weren’t going to wait around to skate when it was after 10 or whenever. Apparently the owner of the park lives across the street and doesn’t hesitate to call the police on you. And the police take skateboards very seriously there, some guy was telling us that just having them in visible possession downtown can get them confiscated, and that the penalty for “breaking in” to the park and skating it is a week in the jail up the hill where you can see down to the park. Sounds ridiculous to me, fuck that town.
The River Inn apparently transferred owners last year and the new ones aren’t down with skating the pool. They are cool however with a bunch of bloods and tweakers living there permanently, trying to confiscate everything red that visitors bring in. Again, fuck that town.
i stayed at rivers inn like 3 yrs ago.. super fun, they even had shirts you could buy that said ” i skated rivers inn” r something like that. any ways the room we stayed in was sketchy, there was blood spatter on the wall next to our bed.. either from a a fight, death, or someone shooting up… who knows it was shady but we skated it all day once and were hassled by some local kid on a bmx for not muying his meth… all in all it was fun, but yeah k falls is fun, but the police are total dicks…
a trash pump, new coping and a total resurfacing for a pool thats really not that good anyway.
q used to live there though.