Tigard progress
Went by Tigard today. I noticed the sign had been changed to read Fall 2007 for completion. So they may be a little behind schedule. I couldn’t see it, looks like they’re pretty far along to me.
Tigard kids are going to need to get good at rolling in. Click image to see it larger.
I heard today that this square corner will get topped with Tedder’s coping.
Return of the King City banks.
The design looks pretty damn nice. I see a lot of hips. More Oregon gold.
I stopped by 2 days ago, looks like a fun layout. The banked wall in the “street” area is huge.
Wow!! The double wall levels, or whatever you call em, look pretty sick and challenging. thanks for posting!
Fuck yeah that looks fun!
NEIL NEIL NEIL NEIL look at all the street……….Killer phucking design, Mr. Scott! I hope you see this NEIL. This is what we want and Dreamland goes above and beyond our imagination to challenge us and make us better skaters. The “double tranistion” is mind bending in My OPINION. I like it! Can you get that kind of stuff in a street plaza??? F NO! Street plaza’s are for beginners, close minded, one dimentional soon to quit skating fags.
Maybe a little on the left there, but this just goes to show you all the gabriel bull shite isn’t worth mentioning anymore. Tigard is going to ROCK your little noggin.
yeah, those dreamland guys are creative geniuses. a bowl on the deck of another bowl. awesome. it must be the copious amounts of cheap beer that leads to inspiration like that. they are really building for everyone now. kids have been dreaming of ways to combine roll-ins and slashes for quite some time now.
oh wait–do dicks get sarcasm?
King City banks RIP
Ha ha! Good one Neil. The bowl-on-a deck looks effing weird and un-functional. Haven’t ridden it yet, so hopefully it’s not as bad as it it looks.
I think it looks pretty cool and can
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, Mark. The double-tranny thing looks, well, intriguing and challenging. Forces one to think differently about the line. But then again, I’m a pad kook, too, so who cares?
Neil, in case you’re curious, I was thinking drop in, roll-out, slash, roll-in, pump, carve, slash, carve, frontside air, slash, carve, exit breathing hard and smiling.
Hey, did you notice how large the street area is, with pretty f’ing huge tranny walls all around it so that you can go fast AND do your street tricks? You might even have to turn. Yes, you can borrow my wrench. It’s in my pad bag. I say give the Tigard kids about 6 months and there’s going to be some burly little dudes coming out of that place. Not for the feint of heart.
hey neil , look out your window, theres the street. parks are being made into things you cant find . want a lame park ? they are already built . soon , they will be empty , enjoy them .
Wow! who cares the kids will find a way to have fun and rip it and Neil you sound like a malcontent douchebag hmmm…so hard to find those in a place where everything is handed to you skate wise anyway. i come here to get pics of the new parks and thank you guys for that but the fucking whining that goes on here really bums me out if you wanna wear pads WEAR PADS! if you dont DONT! this FASHION TALK sucks i want an ipod for my eyes geez and new terrain oh god “what a bummer” the instant i saw that bowl on bowl GNAR is what came to mind not selfish sniveling “oh what can i do on that” let the kids figure it out on their own if they dont like it they wont skate it but its there so deal i know its hard to let go of your ego but fun,fun,fun remember i bet the kids do oh and Neil those dreamland guys are my friends so report to burnside for a good session and punch in the nose… I’M A BIG DICK.
you will never see these pussies at burnside…maybe at 5 in the morning with the bikers…
The Tigard kids are going to hate it, but the grown men in Portland are gonna be stoked.
West Linn, only 2007.
Personally, I’m going to be stoked. However, I question if this park will achieve the goals that the city are shooting for.
Sometimes the adults need to take a leadership role. The kids need some guidance otherwise they would eat nothing but PixieStix and drink nothing but CocaCola. Skating vert is like eating your vegetables.
If you count swimming pools as vegetables, I’ll eat them green beans. Other than that, I’ll take the pixie sticks.
once again the dreamland/grindline skate mafia reserve are spewing threats. how can you fools be so pissed? you are getting exactly what you want. dreamland and grindline are responsible for nearly every major skatepark being constructed in washington and oregon. and each new park gets more difficult to skate–more GNNAAARRR!!!!
well, i don’t buy it. i’m comfortable with my dick size and my skate ability. i just want to go skate and have fun. i want to learn new tricks and maybe look like i suck while i’m trying. i don’t want to stand around watching and then when it is my turn, do the same old tricks in the gnarly bowl. look, i’m not saying there shouldn’t be gnarly obstacles in parks, but do they have to be so pervasive.
punch me in the nose–it won’t change my mind. i will keep speaking out until the parks are more user-friendly. why can’t there be a nice wide flat deck around that tigard bowl with maybe a flat-bar and ledge or manual pad for the majority of skaters that want those sorts of obstacles. instead there is a ridiculous upper-level bowl so the old guys and hesh-dogs can extend their runs even longer.
You left out ripping little kids, gnarly adolescents and vert skating chicks.
Go pick on the tennis and basketball players. they are currently hogging just the terrain you want. Are there basketball enthusiast websites (players, not spectators)? I think it would be awesome if somone started posting in a basketball forum about how they should take out those stupid poles so a guy can do a longer wheelie.
Most of the Tigard park will be pretty easy to skate. Adding a few challenging features will make it a lot more fun for some of us. I can’t wait to get my pads all sweaty with some really long carving runs. I never could get the hang of that running with my board start.
“spewing threats?” — Where????
“each new park gets more difficult to skate” – Bizarre!
Stop mumbling Neil.
neil you want a big flat space with a manual pad ? you want directions to the 30 or so of those just in s.e. portland ? they are already built , there is no crowd , and, no one to make you feel you suck . which to me, sounds like your just being hard on yourself . so , relax enjoy the best parks in the world at your ability . you ever think about going to one them with a good attitude ?
Oh poor Neil i thought only us dicks missed out on sarcasm as far as “mafia” and “dick size” goes… well…looks like little Neil is scared of the big bad world he cant control or feels he has little affect on so he goes around dismissing our best park builders and his fellow skaters as drunks and likens them to criminals awesome! But its your love of mediocrity the status quo and the establishment that really the clinches it I LOVE YOU MAN! have you met that Timk guy? if it makes it easier for you to believe that guys who want to learn and push themselves and go fast are big mean brutes or old “barneys” you go right ahead if you need some warm milk to help you sleep at night just call me…you know, kids like me and skating with me and vice versa i bet they think your a big poop.
And by the way Neil report to burnside for a good session and a punch in the nose…this is fun no wonder you guys are always gabbing it up.
best park builders? best parks? seems to me like your ignorant asses love mediocrity and the status quo. have you dudes even skated parks anywhere else in the last few years? your hero northwest park builders have straight slipped. one example, i repeat ONE example, is newline skateparks in canada. they have built several outstanding parks around vancouver. fully accessible, functional, and creative skateparks that accommodate large sessions. even their latest bowls are far superior to the dreamland/grindline bullshite. and every single one of those parks is filled with locals that will skate circles around all the best skaters in oregon combined. what? what? yep, that’s right, i said canadians are beating us. bring it.
are you for real? i mean you appear to be quite a thinker–with those clever comics and all. do you get sarcasm? do you really believe these new parks in oregon and washington are built for all skaters? why the denial? is it some sort of validation to you that a few ripper kids of pad-dads and a handful of chicks are stoked on the gnar? does that ease your guilty conscious? or are you really just oblivious to the thousands of teens and skaters in their 20s who could care less about bowls and steep tranny.
Neil, Thanks for the compliment, I think. I never skate street anymore so I don’t see it. In my experience the numbers are not as lopsided as people claim. I think a lot of street advocates don
Oh Neil you only get better with time, i went to see roky erickson tonight he rocked! anyway neil you keep defending the majority dont let your voice be silenced who will stand up for the masses,those who will quit when they get a car or a girl what would they do without you, your right what would i know about skating i never leave my comfort zone gosh you went to canada man I’m done you got me whoa!
Neil Bside-session-punch-nose-you.
Neil , the best park builder in canada is spectrum skateparks . newline is the same thing as hiring california skateparks. OH YEAH THEY’RE COLLABORATING!!!
The N.W. has the best park builders on the planet . HANDS DOWN !!!!NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!!!!THE BEST!!!!!!! Move to canada grow carrots and skate ledges . What you do with the carrots is your choice .
No way Juan! Was he working in the Kremlin with a two-headed dog?
Yeah, I think Newline is an arm of a landscape architecture firm and they just do design and then partner with a construction company. Conceivably they could work with Dreamland. Man that would be something.
Skate Mafia? Maybe Neil is responsible for this graffiti at Pier.
Interesting theory. Here’s the blowup of the SkateOregon photo:
you ignorant fools, who are so goddamn certain that dreamland is the best. newline is not a landscape architecture firm. they design and build the best skateparks i’ve ever skated and they have been in business for longer than dreamland. yeah, some of their early parks are questionable, but they are not above learning and progressing with each park. while california skateparks and spectrum both build good parks, newline is on another level. shoot, you could even ask jim barnum, who owns sprectrum, and he would most likely agree. i’ve asked several employees of both grindline and dreamland, and none of them have even gone to canada to check out the new parks. those guys aren’t interested in learning anything, because all you narrow-minded chumps keep telling them how awesome they are. maybe y’all should pull your noses out of their asses so they can find out their shit really does stink.
You take that back!
It’s pointless to be arguing about who is the best. We obviously like to skate different things.
NewLine partnering with California skateparks to build Ed Benedict Park in Portland. I think there are some legal restrictions that prevent them from doing the construction work here. We’ll see what happens.
I know Dreamland makes great parks. I base my judgement on actually skating 14 different parks and a couple of bowls they have built and many by other builders. I haven’t been to Canada lately but I’ve done my research.
WOW! Anyway… yeah mark and he had starry eyes but he never had a bloody hammer.OK Neil you win buddy I cant watch this train wreck anymore my “narrow mind” cant fathom the depths you’ve reached it was kinda funny but you truly suck. Your like the fat security guard in skate vids just lame, but hey you’ve got you and your girlfriend i mean computer sorry and thats all you really need oh and dont forget to skate, oh can i get jim barnums # so i can ask him stuff.
real men kickflip on tranny
yeah kilwag, that whole mumbler thing is hilarious. almost as funny as using the work douchebag all the time.
and conahan, how have you done this research? i’ve been told by countless people on this website that looking at pictures on the computer screen doesn’t count for shit–unless of course to say how sick the new tranny on top of tranny innovation is. i’ve skated at least 14 dreamland parks as well, including hailey and rattenberg. some of the older ones are really exceptional bowl parks, but they are all tranny focused parks. some only accommodate one or two skaters at a time. i guess that is fine for you and the100 dedicated transition rippers you know. you guys can spread out amongst the existing bowls, but what about everyone else. c’mon dude, if you only skate parks then how would you see or meet the dedicated skaters who just don’t care for all the sprawling mega-bowl parks. do you think that 100 skaters are keeping all those skateshops in portland going? check into the number of copies of transworld or the skateboardmag that are printed compared to juice or concussion. even your precious thrasher mag has more street photos than transition photos, because otherwise they wouldn’t be in business.
oh yeah–i didn’t start the whole “best” skateparks and “best” park builders argument. and this isn’t the first thread where the dreamland suck-ups have boldly claimed that shit.
I meant that I have skated them. So have you. I guess we just disagree.
Mobilize a hundred dedicated street rippers and build some stuff you’ll want to skate.
Well, obviously all these Oregon/Washington, etc.(local) builders are happy with skating tranny & vert. And obviously there are enough people stoked on the tranny, vert, flow parks to make it worthwhile for these guys to keep building parks. So, for all you “street, ledge, wheely pad whatever” guys….why don’t you go build your own shit & leave us “pad dad kooks, rippin’ youngsters, skate chicks & vert jocks” to our incredible parks without all the critisism. I know this is open forum but…who really asked for your opinion anyway. Sounds like you just want to argue & pick on people. Here’s an idea, Neil….Go Skate!!
DAMN!!! Lot’s of hot fingers wacking away on the ol’keyboard. I DON’T GIVE A PHUC. FORGET ALL THE BITCHING ABOUT DESIGN….WE NEED A F U C K I N G COVER FOR ONE OF THESE DAMN PARKS…DAMN, IF YOU AREN’T PISSING ME OFF. OPEN UP THE VAULT, THROW DOWN SOME COIN??? I NEED SOME OF YOU B-SIDERS AND WEB BLOGGERS TO PITCH IN SOME COIN AND GET SOMETHING COVERED with all of us pulling together… It’s been to long. WE all need to pitch in for a cover on HOLLYFARM. I like that park.
Canadians=whatever…Neil, how about that Bellingham??? Yeah, I’m going to be the first to say “I’m pulling my nose out of Dreamlands ass” I’ll admit it, I thought they were the best…I do know they build really AWESOME stuff. And I’ve skated Calafornia turds, Oregon turds, Arizona turds, Nevada turds, Washington turds, even a Idaho turd. I get around like a two dollar whore…I’m going pimp you out NEIL…
niel, this is my last post that is going to have anything to do with you . you had better rip . i dont know when or where we will meet up, but if your not taking total advantage of the “street” area of a park, i will poop on the front hood of your car . a totally runny hamms one . one love , J XFRYARX .
Hurray Canada!
new to the area, from salt lake city utah, anyone know a good skate shop around here? Tigard OR…thanx dave!
I only know of one that is brand new, called Lab 33, don’t know the location, might be others too.
Lab 33 on the corner of Main street and Burnham downtown Tigard…Just go to the skatepark and follow Burnham down to the end. It’s a brick building with some kind of Monster energy drink SHITE all over the place, but they do have a pretty good selection. There’s a sick collection of old skateboarder magazines spanning the 70’s and then some early, early Thrasher mags to the present with Concussion. I think someone there has there heart in the right place. It’s the only shop I know of where you can try out your new set up in the store.
Dick cancer Says:
September 8th, 2007 at 8:44 am
DAMN!!! Lot
Let’s cover something before the next half million dollar project gets built…What? 19 skateparks and not one PHUCking cover…what a bunch of idiots…skateparks get pissed on puked on shitled on and on and on…but not one fucking cover to enable us to keep from getting in trouble when its rainy, gloomy, depressing, and other wise unskatable…Cover the park fundraiser to be held in
Tigard opening day or down at the new skateshop Lab 33.
i nominate holly farms as the first to cover.
or just build walls to prevent the rain from blowing in at burnside.
Hi there…I Googled for figure skating gifts, but found your page about Tigard progress…and have to say thanks. nice read.
Haw haw. Good one.
Is there any progress regarding Tigard police removing the sign about random searches? From Willamette Week article:
“The city posted 16 rules at the entrance. It
Why yes, there is.
This park is alot of fun.I skate there any chance i get and love it. it beats the living shit out of me though. reason is most likely the fact that its the biggest park ive ever skated before it there was just tualatin and dept.