Spring fashions!
Andrew’s Custom Skateboarders Rule Designs. Damn, I may have to buy all four.
CafePress will put anything you want on a tshirt.
Posted by: MC on January 17th, 2007
Categories: Artsy Fartsy
Andrew’s Custom Skateboarders Rule Designs. Damn, I may have to buy all four.
CafePress will put anything you want on a tshirt.
I just watched Future Primitive for the first time in years. That is a very good video. Mullen was decades, not just years, ahead of his time. It’s only now that you can watch it and appreciate it. At the time it was all a blur: so advanced that you couldn’t comprehend what he was doing.
And oh yeah. The artwork above is truely horrible.
by truely horrible do you mean “totally awesome?”
actually I just transferred FP to DVD. I got a VCR/DVD combo for xmas, so I can burn my huge collection of videos to DVD. It works prety damned well.
And the artwork above is still pathetic.
I’m thinking the guy with the flying V should be the official Skate and Annoy logo. I may hire Andrew to redesign the web site or make us some merch.
What happened to the kickflip guy’s head? He’s got a brillo pad on his neck!
thats not flying V its a warrior shape guitar.
the lien graphic with the devil lock is rad
Oops. I meant to say Explorer, not Flying V. Actually, it’s not an Explorer either. Warrior? What is that, some lame (I mean awesome) C-list guitar?
Warrior? Never heard of it…Dan??
the lien air looks like it was done by somebody else. In 1989.
warrior is the model that Jackson guitars made with that shape, it is also similar to the warlock by BC Rich, but not as cool.
That guitar design was popular with Dimebag Darrel and Dean was one of the earlier, if not first, companies to sell that shape. See http://www.deanguitars.com/dimebag.php
Man you’d never see a discussion like this on Antigravity Press.
Hey..cut me some slack..I’m fourteen years old and that is
my Dean guitar. As far as my art goes you get it, or you don’t. Either way, that’s cool.
You’re right man. You’re putting yourself out there so jokers (like us) whom you’ve never met can give you a hard time. Keep it up and pay us no mind. I think the guy who made this post did actually buy something from you though.
Your right Kilwag, he did get one of my shirts. I just didn’t want anyone to think I was alot older with all kinds of formal training.
I can take the heat, I’m happy in my own skin.
All I can say about my designs is they are an
expresion of me…kind of a little wild and crazy.
Skateboarders Rule!
Well….spring is on it’s way and you know what that means. The annoying skateboarders will be back! Well, most of them here in Jersey never left. We’re a hardy bunch, us Jersey skateboarders are!
And there will be alot more SkateboarderRules shirts designed by me out there this spring also. I’ve added a few goodies and for anyone who buys one of my awesome, never to be found anywhere else shirts in March, I will send you an e-mail telling you amazing secrets you may not have known about your cell phone that could possibly save your life and better yet…save you a ton of money!
So, if you get a shirt e-mail me and ask for the cell phone secrets and I’ll send them to you pronto.
Hi from Andrew,
Your right! You get it! They are crude and I am a
juvenile and if you look at my Squidoo lense
http://www.Suqidoo.com/skateboardersrule I say exactly that.
I’m expressing who I am on my shirts, not copying
other peoples stuff. I am a skateboarder, not an artist.
If someone wants the “cutesy” shirts there’s nothing
wrong with that and there are plenty out there. My designs
come from the head of a skateboarder (which may not be
screwed on to tight!)
If you skateboard you know when you first started out you know how crude your skateboarding was and maybe it’s like
my skateboarding art. It may look different a year from now.
Who knows? I already put some variations on the sight that
may be boarderline “cutesy.” (Yipes! maybe it’s time to retire!)
Have a great day!….D
You see how crude I am? I can’t even spell Squidoo!
My squidoo lense is http://www.Squidoo.com/skateboardersrule