Funny how often skateboard is used as shorthand for culture clash. Why don’t we ever see a headline like Skateboarder wears a top hat and monocle to get radical?
Time was, when there was a big contest coming up you’d learn about it in advance from Thrasher, then have to wait one or two months after the event to read the coverage in the magazines, then another 3-8 months before you could rent the video from from your local skate shop. Remember when skate […]
This image comes from the home page for the distance learning portion of the Portland Community College web site. Actually, now they are calling it “Distance Education.” No word on if this is an actual student or a stock photo, as well as whether it’s a boy or a girl. – Thanks to Mrs GVK […]
The first comic I submitted to Thrasher appeared in the February 1982 issue. That must have been my birthday present. I turned 21 that month. Thrasher Magazine has posted all of the issues from their second year on their website.
I always thought Xeni Jardin seemed cool with that spiky while hair. Turns out she’s actually a punk rock survivor. She does an interview with Glen Friedman on Boing Boing TV. Looks like Glen Friedman had a show at Shepard Fairey’s gallery in LA. Fairey’s interview last week was pretty great too. I was wondering […]
Here’s a short webvert with a skateboard theme for an unlikely business. I don’t wan to spoil the surprise, so check it out after the jump.
I’ve recently gotten two emails promoting different skate spot maps on the web. The idea is that you sign up and add spots in your area, and if you are traveling you can find spots on the way. I suppose the idea is useful for the casual skate tourist. Say you’re in a town on […]
The ASPCA blog has a video of a skateboard being mobbed by a bunch of puppies. Kind of reminds me of the street section at the skatepark. Awwww ♥♥♥!!! Trish McMillan, ASPCA Director of Animal Behavior, took this footage while conducting a training session with the pups. She says she uses it with every new […]
Michael Goetz of The Skateboard Archives shot Chris Nukala at a renegade project and it showed up as Thrasher stoke of the day.