Prongles. Once You Pop, That’s Great!

I’m stubborn and I refuse to rent music.. I still buy CD’s and MP3s. I have giant tubs filled with CD’s and my iTunes library has 35,805 songs in it. I usually set it on shuffle and quite often something will play and I won’t remember where I got it from. That’s what happened to me today when the Prongles jingle came up. It’s sassy hip-hop skewering of youth-target advertising from earlier times. It seems retro and new at the same time. Well, way back in 2017, when we had some idea of how bad it was going to get in the USA but were only seeing the tip of the orange iceberg, Cards Against Humanity had already had enough, so they launched a prank product that you could actually buy called Prongles, with the tag line Make America Crunch Again. That’s Brayden, the Prongles hog skateboarding on the can. Prongles and the pig mascot were allegedly influenced by Mr. Trump. Did you register to vote? If so, you should vote as early as possible!

Brayden loves extreme sports and lives life at one speed: WHOLE HOG. He also loves to cool down with a can of Prongles while hanging out with his best friend, Justin Bieber.

As marketing pranks go, this one is tops. In the spirit of democracy, the website let you vote on which flavor to release next: Tacos & Burritos, Whole Fish, or America!

3 years have passed, and the context for this particular stunt has sort of disappeared. Like all perpetrators of good publicity stunts, CAH were coy about it, and any anti-Trump rhetoric may seem too subtle now that we’re having to look back at it. However, I am not making this up. CAH had in fact purchased land on the border with Mexico in afford to be in a legal position to challenge the border wall. Extreme!™ political activism!

A Prongles jingle, which you can download.

The chips are supposed to be pretty decent, reportedly a re-labeld product from Australia’s Good Crisp Company. You can’t actually but them off the shelf 3 years laters, but you can still find them from various online retailers because, Internet.


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