Hermes style wings fir your shoes. Shoe + wings = shwings. These aren’t intentionally marketed at skateboarders per se, more like marketed with skateboarding.
– Thanks to Josh Burt for the photo.
Some old Tunnel wheels on that setup.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on October 17th, 2013
Categories: Advertising, Annoy, Media Watch
Tags: Maketing
Hermes style wings fir your shoes. Shoe + wings = shwings. These aren’t intentionally marketed at skateboarders per se, more like marketed with skateboarding.
– Thanks to Josh Burt for the photo.
Some old Tunnel wheels on that setup.
waynes world !
Maybe they could work as an ollie pad if you flip ’em over.
sooo lovely.
Okay, there’s gay (yay!), and then there’s too gay.