High Fashion Round Up
I’m not going to make any judgements or cast him in a disparaging light, but MC is the king of finding fashion skateboarding shoots lately. Here are not one, but three fashion spreads featuring skateboards and/or skateboard parks. Fashion, not function.
First up, the New Femininity: Johanna Fosselius By Shunya Arai For Elle Japan August 2013. [Source: Visual Optimism]
Miranda Kerr For Vogue Korea (Warning: Site infected with malware at time of publishing) July 2013 By Eric Guillemain [Source: Trendland]
And lastly, Fashion Fusion: Zhang Shuyang By Alastair Strong For Grazia France 28th June 2013. [Source: Visual Optimism]
All credit for the finds goes to my daughter, who comes across them in her legitimate research for her job at Vogue Patterns magazine. She knows we can use them for Skate and ANNOY, so she sends links. I tend to dress like a child: short pants, sneakers and t-shirts, oh, wait
I wouldn’t worry… unless your shoes are double enders like Bart Simpson’s.
fashion before function… I see prep sophisticates hit the skatepark all the time now before kamikaziing over to the polo grounds! last fortnight, a dashing young turk boldly donned a skeet shooting vest, no shirt and Nantucket reds whilst front smith grinding to fakie the local trust fund bowl… Talley-Ho!
That’s a lousy Friday T&A …
Koreans got their voguery hopelessly perverted by being molested by the Japanese during WWII. Those kneepads look good for one thing only. North Korean 1984ness, or, preferably, LPGA golf, seem to be the only cures.
That red headed DUDE looks angry. Oh, sorry that’s axle rose dressed up. What am I talking about, this was women’s skate fashion for fk sake.