
Vulture Culture

Maple XO is hosting a fashion show this Friday night in response to Jeremy Scott’s recent ripoff, as well as design ripoffs in general. Is there a difference between plagiarism and appropriation? I hope so. Maple XO is no stranger to having some of their own work copied wholesale. This kind of event screams for some GVK coverage. See you there?



18 thoughts on “Vulture Culture

  1. brock75 on March 15, 2013 - Reply

    nothing like artists and their fragile egos.

    1. Frankie Teardrop on March 15, 2013 - Reply

      nothing like sniping at people who do something.

    2. br0cksucks on March 18, 2013 - Reply

      nothing like internet commenters and their pointless typing.

  2. When food, clothing and shelter are all free, you can have my work for free too.

  3. Throw in materials like concrete, wood, aluminum and urethane and skills to turn them into things as well.

  4. I hope MapleXO doesn’t find out how every skateboard company before 2000 stole artwork.

    Or wait, we only care when someone steals from us?

  5. Practically naked models sounds fun. Everything else “woosh”, over the head and filed under “all that other shit I don’t care about, and you shouldn’t either”.

    1. Condo-Ramp Local on March 15, 2013 - Reply

      I can see partially naked chicks any day of the year, and they usually get fully naked after a few songs.

      The rest of it sounds like a wankfest.

      1. I stand Corrected on March 16, 2013 - Reply

        Saw the photos on FB. Fucking brilliant!

    2. talentlessquitter on March 15, 2013 - Reply

      I guess just the promise of half-naked chicks on friday also counts as a Friday T&A post?

  6. mike d. on March 15, 2013 - Reply

    MapleXO ripped off Beck(y), just saying. I grew up with Beck(y) and lived in NYC when it started. Check the dates.

  7. I’m going, so it will be cool. Come beat me up.

  8. Here’s a pic from the show. Click the link to view:

    Vulture Couture

    1. NIce Rich.

  9. So what, skate companies took images from other companies… to make statements! What the graphics on the board stood for were far more important than if people buy into it. Especially in the 90’s with all that Rocco shit going down with World Industries. Sure, dude wanted to make his loot but it was always about fuck the mainstream and fuck the “vultures” picking at our (skateboarder’s) world. I can’t believe you guys are against a company that’s against places like Pac Sun and all that other mall bullshit fashion.Those places are purely in it to exploit skateboarding and make a quick buck. Who cares who did it first anyways. A million people are doing this shit, that’s not the point. Kooks.

    1. talentlessquitter on March 18, 2013 - Reply

      Hehe, you wrote statements but I read ‘skatements’.

  10. mike d. on March 18, 2013 - Reply

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