The Book: Neiman Marcus
I haven’t actually held a copy of teh Neiman Marcus publication known as The Book, but near as I can tell it’s like a fashion magazine masquerading as a very fancy catalog that you can’t actually order anything from. Walter Chin is the photographer, but he’s not Walter Chin, the wedding photographer. Register those domain names early kids. As much as I tend be annoyed by gratuitous skateboards in fashion photography, I actually really like this as a photograph. It transcends the norm for this kind of thing. Chin’s photos are in the March, 2013 edition of The Book. I have no idea how you actually get a copy, but you can view it online here, page 58.
– Thanks to our recent fashion correspondent Seth Levy for the tip.
Beautiful Girl, Sexy Dress….. Who Cares….. The fact that the dress cost about 75 times what the skateboard did, yet they need the skateboard to add “Cool” vibe, that’s the funny part.
Instead of people tripping on the mainstream for biting on skateboards, we should all sit back and just laugh at how badly they ache to be associated with our culture that they will never understand…..
I wanna see Tiffany or someone actually pay a rad pro skater girl to do frontside grinds with $500,000 in jewels on.. that would be funny….
If all of this attention results in more new skateparks or
makes the decision to build a park that much easier; it’s great.
Ps. I wannt know what she’s doing… a 180 kickflip, better be talented to land it… haha
I think she’s going for a left ankle turning which will do some tendon damage…