Stop Stair-ing
Before everyone get’s their panties in a bunch, this was purely a design exercise and not a product meant to be sold to the general public. It’s kind of a fascinating train wreck to watch. It looks like a successful design of a skateboard you can ride down stairs, at least in a less jarring fashion than you could anyway. However, I’m not sure how much of that is due to the Frankenstein truck modifications and how much is due to the flexibility and longer wheelbase of the board. PoChih Lai is the guy who designed and made it. Whatever your opinion is on this exercise, you have to give him credit for actually fabricating this contraptions instead of just presenting it as a bunch of CAD renders. In fact, he constructed several different iterations just to get to this point! Buy one? No, but I’d like to try it.
[Source: Dezeen] – Thanks to Colin for the tip.
It’s all in the push…. nuff said
Two and a half minutes of film, 7 seconds of which is actually on stairs. Not very interesting to me.
The tri-wheel principle already existed, one example: http://www.ardentsystems.com/buy/204850.html
But it does make me think, why are stairs so underutilized by street skaters? I mean, ollieing over them doesn’t count as utilizing them… why not come at them laterally, grind the first, boardslide the second, nose grind the third, fall over the fourth, that sort of thing?
now the schlongboarders take shortcuts at the Mt. Tabor downhill. Use the stairs! One question.. how are you gonna mall grab those trucks??
I second john e’s gripe!