I’m a hater
I made it through 46 seconds. I don’t think this is a joke. I mean, it’s a joke alright, but not intentionally. Enjoy “i’m a Skater” by Mac Jar & Monikape.
– Thanks to Matthijs for the tip.
UPDATE: Comments closed do to too much repetition. Way to offer a different opinion through, uh, mindless repetition. Don’t hate, REPLICATE.
Behind the scenes on the video shoot for “I’m a Skater.”
Hahahah… Santa Losers. Reminds me of a Chris Gentry rap.
A member of the LoveLifeArmy speakin…knock down the hate! It won’t get you far.
Member of the Love Life Army speaking….bring down the hate! Spread more love, encouragment, and positive energy! #LL
love, encouragement, and positive energy are all incredibly boring. hate is hilarious and makes you cool.
“If you wanna build your love up put hate down”-Chris Rene….Enough said!!! and those boys are dissing are some of the most talented and sweetest guys in the world so long story short jealousy doesn’t look good on you dear you should change faces and maybe join the love life army instead of bashing us we are just a bunch of nice people trying to spread love and good music
well you’re failing miserably at the spreading good music part.
Love Life!
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate.
Looks like “I am fat and wear XXXL”
Haters will always hate! If you don
Ugh, terrible!
I guess white people are running out of shit to rap about.
I got to 1:20, but it wasn’t easy… I hope it really is a joke
somebody kill me now. Remember Surf or Die by the Surf MCs? At least they were goofy and had a sense of humor. These dickheads are trying to be all tough.
“Sideways Cap”! Really? Really???? Cretinous oafs of the top order.
Good lord. That’s right up there with the worst songs I’ve ever heard. They sure do look cool though. Very impressive hand gestures. I only wish I could be as cool as those guys.
Nice name, “BoBo” lol
Kotton mouth kings ‘its a dogs life ‘ is just as eye stinging……….back in the 80’s there was a no name rap group that made a song called ‘this is hard core’ lance mountain was in the video…
I made it about ten seconds in before I got the urge to shoot myself.
I told my mom not to go to that video shoot. She’s an asshole.
I masturbate to this song.
I bet you do!
“Look at my yellow hat, I’m so Santa Cruz” such a great line!
Even better, the making-of video!
Just added it to the main post, thanks.
They should have had a guest appearance by Elle MC. http://skateandannoy.com/2011/05/white-girl-wasted/
white people rapping is so gay or should i say try -hard
Hahaha! Seriously, that is filmed so ironically that I will not believe it is serious. They HAVE to be taking the piss. If this is meant to be real, then they need to watch ‘Ali G in da house’, then they will see exactly how they appear. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NldsVFWagqs
That is SO Ali G, they have to be taking the piss. I don’t believe that is for real. It can’t be. If it is, they need to look up Ali G on youtube and see exactly how they appear.
That was Grover’s best work yet.
He’s more suited for christian rap rock
Sounds like some ICP bullshit. Of course that dude would be sportin’ a DC shirt.
Any intel on where that ditch/pipe spot is at about 1:57?!
Oh, and here is some Halifax skateboard rap, from Jay Mayne!
Much better.
Not sure why yous all is hatin on all the skater rappers out there! This shit be fresh, yo!
Almost as good as ELLE Mc and her white trash wasted….i would be embarrassed to be from Santa Cruz if these guys are reppin…
these fkn wigger kooks, one 360flip to fakie on the bank wall at the bedpan makes you a skater? fkn posers!
I understand this is a cock measuring, pissing contest for you but take it somewhere else. Thank you! Peace Out.
Yeah, don’t hate on these blobs… they’re giving unmusical music a bad name… nuttin wrong with that. And besides, the alternative in Santa Cruz is meth, SO STOP THE HATE.
M’am, it’s not our cocks that hurt. What was it that the ancient Greeks considered the organ of embarrasment for others? Oh yeah, the pancreas. Oh yeah….
LoveLifeArmy! SK8 Not Hate!
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy! SK8 don’t hate :]]
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 don’t hate.
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!?
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!?
?LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!?
LoveLifeArmy! SK8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy!!! Sk8 Don’t Hate!!!
LOVE LIFE ARMY SAYS: Haters hate what they can’t be! SK8 DONT HATE!!!
i guess yer right about all us haters. i mean shit i hate you all and i couldn’t possibly be you because i’m not a goddamn moron.
No need to be calling people names here! Put your hate down!! #LOVELIFE
Nice name…”Pee blanket”….thats not a moron name! LMAO
did you really laugh your ass off? because judging by everyone in that video i bet that’s like hundreds and hundreds of pounds worth of ass to lose.
Love U PeeBlanket! LoveLifeArmy! If u wanna build the Love up, put the Hate down.
LoveLifeArmy IN THE HOUSE! Sk8 Don
LoveLifeArmy!Sk8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy!!! Sk8 Don
LOVE LIFE ARMY SAYS: Haters hate what they can
LoveLifeArmy!Sk8 Don
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don
LoveLifeArmy!!! Sk8 Don
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!
@pee blanket Wow! No need to be calling people names here! LoveLifeArmy!Sk8 Don
you’re an idiot.
Really??? Just Sk8 don’t
LoveLifeArmy Baby! Sk8 Don’t Hate ?
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy! SK8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy IN THE HOUSE! Sk8 Don
Ya’ll need to find the bible and spread her pages open.
…well that was intensely sexual.
Who let the dawgs out? who who who who who
derby face lift and now this. what’s next? santa cruz skater reality TV show? wtf.lol.omg.
Yeet Yeet
LoveLifeArmy! SK8 Don
LoveLifeArmy is all about peace & love. Not hate! LoveLifeArmy!!! Sk8 Don’t Hate!!!
LOVELIFEARMY! Sk8 don’t hate!
LoveLife and Sk8 Don’t Hate!
Haters will always hate! If you don’t like the video don’t watching it simple
?LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!?
?LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!?
LoveLifeArmy! SK8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLife and Sk8 Don
Gotta? love the nineties….
WINNER: Pee Blanket!
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!
LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!
We… Are tired… Of self-ah-buse / Try… To stop us… But It’s… No Use!
Worst thread ever.
Rise Above Hate! LoveLifeArmy! Sk8 Don’t Hate!!!
Rise above hate? Right. OK. Sure. As soon as you said “I’m a skateboarder motherfucker” you fell way fkn short. Don’t quit your day job. Actually, because it seems your day job is to promote this garbage with the ruse of a positive (yet total bullshit) message, DO quit your day job. Go skate motherfucker.
Don’t Hate! SK8! LoveLifeArmy!!!!