Friday T&A on S&A: Longboardgirls
There is a Facebook page called A Longboard Makes a Girl Twice As Hot. It’s disgusting, really. I mean why discriminate against regular sized boards?
– Thanks to Matthijs for the tip.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on May 25th, 2012
Categories: Annoy, Skate
Tags: Friday T&A, longboards
There is a Facebook page called A Longboard Makes a Girl Twice As Hot. It’s disgusting, really. I mean why discriminate against regular sized boards?
– Thanks to Matthijs for the tip.
Hehe. You need to start embracing the bigger boards in your life.
Where’s the link titled, “There’s More?”
I like the dark-haired pouty girl and the redheaded train-track chick… More please.
Yeah, the formula works for shortboards, but wasn’t adding up for longboards, til professor McCheese splained why.
If you like girls that ride you should check out these FB pages