Coming out of the closet: UPDATED

That’s right S&A readers. I’m taking this opportunity to bravely throw off the shackles of oppression and let everyone know that I… Well, how do I put this? I like Ellen Degeneres. OK, her TV show doesn’t appeal to me but as a stand up performer and showbiz personality, I’m a fan of her. Ellen had Tom Schaar (no relation to Max Schaaf) on her TV show shortly after landing his 1080. Ellen’s is a bit out of her element, and it’s not a very interesting segment, but at least Tom got a few minutes of fame. Whoever came up with the idea of a mini-mega ramp for a live TV segment should be demoted. There’s nothing that makes for more exciting TV than watching a kid trudge up a ladder a minute for each second he actually spends on his skateboard. Fortunately, Ellen pulls shouts out a bunch of random skate terminology while this is happening.

UPDATE: Tom landed a 1080 X Games Asia in Shanghai, China, beats Burnquist. Video after the jump.

[Source: CA Rampworks]

Video can be janky, even on a fast connection, so you might want to watch it here.

X Games Asia in Shanghai, China.


10 thoughts on “Coming out of the closet: UPDATED

  1. GGALLIN on April 30, 2012 - Reply

    Every “RAD DAD”wet dream……you better make it kid or i will break your pussy…kid is good though…

  2. talentlessquitter on May 1, 2012 - Reply

    I’m with you, Ellen is alright.
    Too bad the skatephobia still stands tall in the mass media. Seems like not a lot has changed in 30 years of skaters on television. (“Hey Rodney Mullen, let’s see your trick, circus clown!”). I feared it was the same here. Tom did as he was told but actually he got some pretty good (wait for it…) airtime!
    Oh, and that minimega looks scary enough for me.

    Btw, what he does is a fakie 1080. Is this normal? Shouldn’t you ride out fakie in the end, like a MAN?
    I have got to look up some Tony Hawk 720’s on youtube…

  3. hurton on May 1, 2012 - Reply

    looks like he did it yesterday at the asia x games

  4. My soup has too much cilantro.

  5. Ellen is horrificly bad, and has been since forever. Seriously, I can’t take an instant of listening to that twit’s attempts at humor. She’s as bad as Oprah, Rosie O’Donnell, or Roseanne.

    To each there own and all that, but you couldn’t pay me to click that link.

    1. talentlessquitter on May 3, 2012 - Reply

      Since when is Oprah a comedian?

      1. You mean she’s serious about all that crap coming out of her mouth?!

        That’s appalling!

        1. I’m inclined to agree about Ellen’s attempts at humor, but, in the above clip her “Yeah, well, it’s stress awareness month” was more entertaining than anything I’ve seen outta you. Chopper would tell you to “Harden the Fuck Up”, Fitz.

  6. skhater on May 3, 2012 - Reply

    spinning in circles is overrated.

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