I’m Bitter

Niche niche niche niche. Skateboarding is dead, so I’m going after the Nietzsche markets. Ba-dum-bump! But seriously folks… I can’t remember how I found Bitter Bushings, literally like 10 minutes ago. I did manually type in the web address so I must have read it somewhere. Then only thing skateboard related within arm’s length of my current location is a copy of Skate Slate (ahem) Longboarder magazine. Something compelled me to check out these bushings that are made for cold weather. Bitter Bushings hail from Canada, which makes sense. Does it seem like snake oil or another pointless “invention?” Owner Clint McLean certainly takes a no-nonsense approach in his demo vid. I doesn’t hurt that he looks like a lumberjack either. He takes two identical setups, popsicle sticks with Indy’s, and put’s them both in a giant freezer to simulate cold weather. One has Bitter Bushings and the other doesn’t. One turns afterwards and the other doesn’t. I’d like get more information on the development process he went through because the lack of detail or background makes it seem like the skateboarding equivalent of cobbler’s elves delivered them in the wee hours of the night. In case, if they actually work, I think these could actually, you know, take off, eh! Learn more aboot Bitter Bushings after the jump.



9 thoughts on “I’m Bitter

  1. I need the tropicalized version of Bitter Bushings for Guadeloupe’s warm temperatures.
    Sweet ‘Shings ?

    1. talentlessquitter on December 2, 2011 - Reply

      Thumbs up!
      (damn facebook habits)

  2. Maybe Sour Source, Acid Action, … the last being known as Wasabi Watizit for the 5th sense.

  3. I dunno, last time it snowed around here, (nearly a decade ago), I was skating thirty five miles south where it was in the forties, and even somewhat ABOVE freezing it really seemed like my bushings were all wrong… though that may have been my internal bushings making it seem that way.

  4. What is this “ticktacking” he speaks of?

    1. in my early days, “Tic-Tac” was the first steps to “space walk” then slaloming.
      A succession of alternate kick turns … and your front wheels went “Tic” then “Tac”.
      (Also the name of small mint pellets sweets sold in plastic box)

      1. masterochicken on December 4, 2011 - Reply

        Dang. I was going to tell him, but you did so much more eloquently.

      2. talentlessquitter on December 4, 2011 - Reply


  5. a tit for a tat.
    a tic for a tac.

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