Little Steven returns

Got to hand it to the suits at Circuit City, hey, they’re still in business because they’re still sending out emails. Every Circuit City in my town seems to have shut down. The ones that are left are milking it as much as possible. The guy in this ad was used in a different shot in a campaign almost a year ago.

– Thanks to Chip Jones for the tip.


8 thoughts on “Little Steven returns

  1. Prickly Pete on April 18, 2011 - Reply

    Like, totally outrageous!

  2. Is he skating in ski boots? Good lord….

  3. michael on April 18, 2011 - Reply

    I watch the Epicly laterd Cardiel episode repeatedly on my 46″ Samsung LCD tv. It is only 2D and 60 hertz though.

  4. Gabe Solame on April 18, 2011 - Reply

    I like how the old ad and the new one are pictures from the same shoot(note the checkered muscle shirt)…talk about low budget

  5. Gabe Solame on April 18, 2011 - Reply

    Those shoes are f-in moon boots (spring loaded for more extreme aerials) hahahha

  6. the top right reads, ‘Slicker Deals’, but it looks like Sucker Deals! Man, they got my number.

  7. I don’t think there are any actual Circuit City stores anymore.. they went bankrupt and Tiger Direct bought the name so they could use it to drive more online sales. FWIW, they also bought CompUSA and pulled the same stunt with them. All three sites were duplicates of one another for a while, although I think they make sure they look different now so people don’t notice.

  8. Sucka Deals… Classic!

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