Friday T&A on S&A: Lady Gaga
That’s no lady, that’s… oh I don’t know. Lady Tries Too Hard with a skateboard, shot by Terry Richardson for an upcoming issue of the French fashion mag Purple.
[Source: Rushcard] – Thanks to Eric Cherry and Karl Whetzel for the tip.
Check out that almost illegible watermark for Mother-Monster.com
and be prepared for an epilepsy-inducing Lady Gaga fan site if you follow the link.
man, i love Purple magazine. they always do the best shit.
Where’s her ass?
right next to your misogyny.
Just cuz I don’t like boyish figures doesn’t make me a misogynist, Aristotle.
It does mean you like fatties.
Ah yes… cuz those sporting t&a are all “fatties”… sounds like mommy’s little streetskater’s got issues (that he’s a little old for). And hell, I like ALL sorts of fit shapes, except bodybuilder-stomach, and even like waifs… but this young woman’s got lazy whisky butt in reality, that probably got airbrushed out, (so empowering to her followers…), and she looked a little like the classic twenty something out of shape male “oyster” on 60 minutes last night. Seriously, she should try RIDING that board… they really do make lousy fetishes.
And while I’m at it… Her music: Not nearly AS crappy as Madooda’s. Her insights: As cretinous. Her purposefully overexposed body: Not a sight to see; at least Madooda’s purposefully overexposed body was.
I’d rather ride the skateboard!!!
For some reason, the first thing that sprang to mind was; ” I wonder if that board is gripped?”.
she is such a disgusting pig i hope she catches a hot dose and goes face first thru a glass coffee table and dies…her music sucks massive shit from an nyc sewage tank
is that because she’s celebrated by all communities who accept her music (LGBT) and because of her sense of exploiting the means of popular culture are similar to Madonna in the mid-80s? she’s a revolutionary much like the Gonz, ESPO, Twist, and the rest of the subversive artists who moved the east coast. punk is long dead. long live punk (aka GAGA)
Revolutionary like Madonna in the 80’s… only 20 years later, and very much like Madonna, and therefore not-so revolutionary More like a successful copycat.
pop music skipped several generations of revolutionary action. right now we have the opportunity to see pop artists representing people like Doom, Gism, and (with ke$ha) Void. crazy times. just acknowledging.
get off the e-pills… the tunnel club in manhattan is long dead much like her disco duck genre…i’d like to bitch slap her w/ an ‘exploited’ 12 inch vinyl.
i’d like to buy an exploited patch from hot topic…oh wait! i can! tight!
hey transvestite…why don’t eat a dick and die…hot topic is just an attempt to squeeze the last possible dime from bands that are’nt top 40, nothing more, take your corporate shit music and tell that whore gaga to commit suicide
espo and gonz risked their lives for pennies to the dollar, gagonit is a sheltered whore that gets paid by sony for he crappy bar mitzfah music…
Saw that Ho under a bridge somewhere..
who is she?
This is perhaps the supremely lamest picture i have ever seen. (I doubt it is gripped).
let’s just drop the misogyny and all agree that her music is terrible euro dance bullshit and her fashion sense is just borrowed by her management from pop stars that came 25 years before her.
I don’t know. It’s just some naked chick wearing weird-ass shoes while holding a skateboard. This is the weirdest/lamest thing some of you have ever seen? Seriously? I think I’m just too old.
i think everyone’s just too old.
^^ to care anymore.