Billboarding is not a crime.

Spotted somewhere in eastern Oregon during the post inaugural voyage of Grover’s new video camera. I hear there’s a new GVK around the, uh, corner. Enlarge-o-rama. Oh yeah, for the sake of the search engines. This is a billboard with a skateboard, advertising U.S. Cellular 3G coverage. It looks like they were kind of going for a retro look withthe board style, white pants and blue boat shoes, but the effect is kind of ruined by the modern cars in the background. I apologize for the lame post title.


4 thoughts on “Billboarding is not a crime.

  1. that deserves beer bottles full of paint and a water baloon slingshot.

  2. bitter-kill Wes on September 15, 2010 - Reply

    this shit gets worse everyday….hope some “skater” made tons o money. Fuck off! Skateboarding is dead.

  3. Calm down… just a billboard. Should not effect your relationship with the skateboard.

    1. 🙂

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