Toyota has a Phillips fetish
I saw a whole mess of Toyota marketing money that looked like it was trying to bite Jim Phillips’s style, but it’s probably legit.A quick search for Jim Phillips and Toyota reveals that he appears in a Toyota commercial that airs in Japan, so it’s highly believable that they also hired him to illustrate for the Extreme&trade:! sports market.
I couldn’t find the commercial online anywhere, so if you come across it give me a heads up.
The ollie meter. I never saw it in action, but it had a skateboard deck bolted to to the base.
Children of all ages sticking their heads inside the cutouts of Adrenaland.
Real live action figure. I’d like to see a human-sized screaming hand.
That bottom ‘egg’ on the Ollie Meter screams Jim Phillip’s early Roskopp graphics.
The egg reminds me of the topside of that SS Chris Miller board.
Good call talentlessquitter! You are right!
Adrenalgland? Oh Adrenaland
I worked on this campaign. Jim Phillips is semi-retired, so we hired his son Jimbo to create all the art. It was an awesome experience to work with him.
That (jimbo) would have been my second guess. (shame on you for not telling S&A!)
Any idea where to find that commercial?
I would be more like embryo freak
There was no spot produced, but we did posters, bandannas, and skinned the whole booth with his graphics etc.