Me want skateboard
Cookie Monster in a classic pose. I have no idea what time period this is from. It could be any tie from the mid eighties on.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on July 20th, 2010
Categories: Annoy, Media Watch, Toys
Tags: Cookie Monster, Muppets, Sesame Street
Cookie Monster in a classic pose. I have no idea what time period this is from. It could be any tie from the mid eighties on.
Cookie Monster’s physical deformities give him immunity from helmet laws.
Although his bulbous eyes make him vulnerable to horrible trauma, there are no helmets currently available that would help him out.
At least that is what I would tell the helmet Police in our town….
Cookie pushes goofy?
I have one of these. Part of a set of Sesame Street toys given out at Shell gas station, ’87?
All on skateboards?
I wish, Can’t remember the rest of the series. in grade 91 i drilled a hole in his head so I could hang him from my first car’s rear view.
1991 not grade 91
Cookie monster on a banana board? I’m getting hungry
I can only imagine the music for his video part either being a deep growling Death Metal song or that one pinball number song from Sesame Street. Speaking of Sesame Street, wouldn’t it be ironic if he skated vert?
Did someone say Death Metal?Yeah!
My twisted mind somehow holds the image of Cookie Monster with the voice of Macho Man Randy Savage.
Are there any skateboarding pro wrestlers?Would be a ‘relief’ to see one wielding a skateboard in the ring instead of the usual folding chair (ouch!)
There used to be. Check out the Dynamic Dudes
That is amazing.I figured it wasn’t going to be WWF.
i saw this before, its that one Transworld cover from the late 80’s in st louis!
There’s a one inch plane of focus on that shot, or is that one of those Photoshop tweaks?
on eBay now…
Yes,I noticed that too but I’m not posting the link.
In a number of days the item will be sold but your comment here remains.
Don’t be silly like those people on AoS….(“Have one for sale RIGHT NOW!!”)